results 01/30/2001
Tuesday Night Turmoil
filmed live at the S.X.W. " Super Dome " located on X-Treme Island !
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click here to see the last card Results
Frost vs. Rage
Standard Match
The Masked Ronin vs. Ruff Ryder
Standard Match
Divine Right vs. Sisters from Hell
Standard Tag Team Match
Hardkore Kid vs. Hardman Gubba
Standard Title Match
Planeswalker vs. Whitesnake
Standard Match
Wildthing vs. The Red Raven
Standard Match
The Reavers vs. D.R.I.
Six Person Tag Team Match
DRI= Aeon, Plague, Silver Banshee
Ghost Eagle, Aeon, Dark Wind, Billy K. Bonk, Cyric (dark), The Jackal, Piranha, Raing Bull, CoolmanP, Hardkore Kid &
April Knight
11 Person Top Rop Elimination Battle Royal Title Match
Both feet on the outside floor rules.

............... ...............




Tely - " Hello folks and welcome back to the SXW after quite he PPV, where we saw some shocking things, to say the least. "

Lucas - " Got that right, two Cyric's, Crazy Noodle Boy returned and Ghost Eagle was the Last Man Standing, and he certainly deserves it ! "

Tely - " He certainly earned it you mean ! "

Lucas - " Whatever .... anywise tonight the only real events worth mentioning are the Light Weight Title match and the main event where Ghost Eagle is going to be stalked by 10 of the top stars in SXW ! "

Styles - " Well the Wildthing, Red Raven match should prove to be interesting, but lets see who can make or break their rank, and get this ball rolling ! "


Standard Match
15 minute time limit

- Cheryl Hunter - " The following match is standard for all non title SXW matches and will have a 15 minute time limit ! "
referee - - Kelly O'Delly

Red and white lights flash around the ring

Cheryl - " From Dublin, Ireland here is Torment... she is ..... RAGE !!! "

Cheryl - " ... and her opponent .... "

The lights go out as the music plays over the arena. Blue pyros shoot out of the entrance ramp as Frost drops down to the ring from the ceiling holding a torch. He then eats the flame and blows a blue flame from his mouth to the amused crowd.
... Lita & Trish ...
Soon walk to the ring to accompany him.

Cheryl - " Now in the ring, combining fire & ice, he is ..... FROST !!!!! "

* * * The Bell Rings * * *

Frost was all over Rage with a fury of Knee Lifts and then Hip Tosses, finally wracking her with a Flying Somersault DDT , but Rage was able to break the pin. Rage was back up and scored a Drop Toe Hold Turnbuckle Slam and Frost was then victim to a Title-a-Whirl Head Scissors Take Down(Rana) ,but he also kicked out of a cover.

Rage then scored a Inverted DDT and then her The End- Off the Top Rope Reverse Mat Slam, but Frost moves and failed to make good on the quick cover.

Frost and Rage locked up and finally Frost was able to nail a Russian Leg Sweep into a Small Package and Rage struggled to get out before three.

Frost was then hit with a Spinning Heel Kick and down, but as Rage went to the top ropes again, Trish got on the ring apron and knocked her off, back into the ring, both opponents down.

First up was Frost and he locked Rage into his Boston Crab(Liontamer), but Rage would not give up, so Frost then lifted her into a Twist of Fate Neck Breaker, then to the top ropes for his finish, the Ice Cold- 360 Leg Drop from the Top Rope and cover for three to win the match.

* * * The Bell Rings * * *

Cheryl - " ... and your winner via pinfall ...... "


Cheryl - " ..... he is ..... FROST !!!!!!!!! "
( 5:34 minutes )


Standard Match
15 minute time limit

Cheryl - " The following match is standard for all non title SXW matches and will have a 15 minute time limit ! "
referee - - Ernie Chang

' American Bad Ass ' plays as Ruff Ryder
rides out on a stars and stripes harley with his manager, Jennifer Hill on back.

then lasers and smoke fill the arena

Cheryl - " Now making his way to the ring with Jennifer Hill ...... he is .... RUFF RYDER !!!!!! "

Cheryl - " .. and his opponent .... "

Smoke fills the entrance way, and green lasers criss cross as the opening strains of E.L.O.'s ' Fire on High ' play. Through the smoke and fog walks The Masked Ronin. He slowly and confidently walks to the ring, with no sign of emotion on his face. The Masked Ronin climbs through the ropes and stares into the camera lens.

Cheryl - " Now in the ring from Kobe, Japan ... honor above all else .... he is .....

* * * The Bell Rings * * *

Ruff Ryder took it right to The Masked Ronin with a few fist shots, leading to a Belly to Belly Brainbuster then The Masked Ronin walked right into a Reverse Crucifix Bulldog , but The Masked Ronin was not going out like that and kicked out of the cover. The Masked Ronin was then taking it to Ruff Ryder with a series of Spinning Heel Kicks.

Once The Masked Ronin had Ruff Ryder in the corner he tried a Rolling Koppou Kick, Ruff moved and The Masked Ronin landed badly across the turn buckle, Ruff pulled him down and into a Suplex, but The Masked Ronin dropped into a back flip and broke out before impact.

The Masked Ronin then scored a Fireman's Carry into a Cradle , but Ruff Ryder busted out with ease. The Masked Ronin then tried a Belly to Belly Overhead Suplex w/ Bridge(Northern Lights Suplex) but had trouble lifting Ruff Ryder and landed it weak. The Masked Ronin was off the ropes with a Springboard Moonsault Body Press(Asai Moonsault) and Ruff Ryder moved and The Masked Ronin kissed the mat.

Ruff was unable to make good on a cover, but then whipped The Masked Ronin up into his The Long Ride- Belly to Belly 90 Degree Overhead Suplex, then a Belly to Back Crossed Arms Suplex and finally with out mercy right into his Long Night's End- Suplex into a Powerslam (Jackhammer) and made the cover to get three and the win.

* * * The Bell Rings * * *

Cheryl - " ...and your winner via pinfall ..... "


Cheryl - " .... he is ..... RUFF RYDER !!!!!!!!! "
( 6:01 minutes )

'Hyligen' LIGHT

Description - Raging Bull's personal icon shaped to perfection in Hyligen light tubes with dry ice for flaming nostrils!

Tely - " Folks back from the break and we just saw two great matches, now moving right along into our first tag match, classic battle of good versus evil ! "

Styles - " The holy alliance vs. the demon sisters, should be ungodly ! "


Standard Tag Team Match
15 minute time limit

Cheryl - " The following match is standard for all non title SXW tag team matches and will have a 15 minute time limit ! "
referee - - Larry Segal

Glass is heard shatter, and the Sisters of Hell come out. They stand on the ramp for a while, then move down the ramp and into the ring. Angel stands behind the two

as Despair flexes her arms while Carnage back flips and folds her huge wings into her shoulder blades.

Then, Angel flies out of the ring and to her teams corner.

Cheryl - " Now standing in the ring, at a combined weight of 450 pounds, they are the only two demons ever banished from hell. The SISTERS OF HELL!!!! "

Cheryl - " ... and their opponents ...... "

' Silence ' by Delirium begins to play, as Priest and Angelica Storm slowly work to the ring, candles in hand.
Cheryl - " ... Now making their way to the ring .. .they are ..... DIVINE RIGHT !!!! "

* * * The Bell Rings * * *

Angelica starts against Carnage and they lock up, Carnage is quick to score a Driving Knee Lift and then whips Angelica into a Inverted DDT and covers, but only for two. Angelica then gets hit with a Springboard Moonsault DDT and Carnage tags in Despair, they both hit Angelica with their Flap Jack from Despair and a 3/4 Nelson Bulldog from Carnage(3D).

Angelica is down and Despair nails her with a Knee Drop, then tries a Flap Jack into a Bulldog, but Angelica uses her speed and turns the move into her own with a Crucifix Cradle , but Despair was able to break, both then tagged in their teammates.

Carnage whipped Priest into a Hip Toss and then a Flying Back Brain Heel Kick took him down again. Priest broke the cover and once he stood up locked with Carnage and then folded her into a Belly to Back Crossed Arms Suplex , but she broke out.

Priest then scored a Belly to Back Crossface Chickenwing Suplex , but again Carnage broke the cover. Priest did not let up, working the demon babe into a Divine Intervention- Standing Crucifix Cradle, but Despair ran in and broke that up.

While Angelica and Despair battled in the ring, Priest was able to sneak his Righteousness- Reverse Crossed Arm Crucifix Powerbomb in on Carnage and got the three count to win.

* * * The Bell Rings * * *

Cheryl - " ... and your winners via pinfall ..... "


Cheryl - " .... they are .... DIVINE RIGHT !!!!!!! "
( 7:02 minutes )

After the match, the Sisters from Hell with Angel over powered Divine Right, nailing each with a Sandwich Shoulder/Knee Lifts and then their Senton Bomb to Hell- Double Senton Bomb with victim laying in middle of ring. Carnage gets the bottom half while Despair takes the top half., leaving the holy duo down in the ring.


Standard Title Match
15 minute time limit

SXW Light Weight Championship Title Belt

Cheryl - " The following match is for one fall and is the standard for SXW title matches, this match has a 15 minute time limit ! "
referee - - Luke Cage

' American Women ' plays as Hard Man Gubba walks out from backstage .....

..... to tons of booing fans, then Big Al towers over Gubba as they walk to the ring.

Cheryl - " Coming down the ramp, possibly the most worthless piece of...uh...Hard Man Gubba!!! "

Cheryl - " ... and his opponent ... he is the current SXW Light Weight Champion ..... "

' Nookie ' by Limp Bizkit blasts the arena as Hardkore Kid makes his way to the ring and his dozens of fans, are screaming for blood !

Cheryl - " Now making his way to the ring he is ...the crazy, freaky ...HARDKORE KID !!!!! "

* * * The Bell Rings * * *

As expected the match was all Hardkore Kid. Gubba tried to strike first was HKK whipped around him and took Gubba into a Reverse DDT and then a Spine Buster, outside the ring, Big Al was just shaking his head.

Hardman Gubba got up and nailed HKK with a Baseball Slide Drop Kick , taking HKK off his feet and then into a Piggy Back Eye Gouge as Hardkore Kid stood up, but a few backwards slams into the turn buckles and Gubba was crushed into letting go.

Hardkore Kid grabbed Gubba and scored a Flying Neck Breaker and then a Spinning Heel Kick , following with a Springboard Moonsault Body Press(Asai Moonsault) and a cover, but Gubba broke out just before the three count.

Hardman Gubba snuck in a Suplex, but Hardkore Kid was right up and dodged a Spinning Round House Punch and while in mid air, HKK nailed Hardman Gubba with a Kore Kick- Flying Crane Kick.

Hardkore Kid then nailed Gubba with a series of moves, from the Kore-Anium- Flying headbutt off the top rope to the Koriner- 3/4 Face Lock Bulldog(Stunner) and finally made a cover, but Gubba got his foot on the ropes.

Hardkore Kid was ticked off, broke the hold and the second it was legal again, he whipped Hardman Gubba into a Crossface Chickenwing with Leg Scissors , mid ring, it took a few moments, but once HKK started to really apply pressure, Gubba submitted and tapped out.

* * * The Bell Rings * * *

Cheryl - " ..... and your winner via submission .... "


Cheryl - " ... and still your SXW Light Weight Champion ..... "


Cheryl - " ... he is .... HARDKORE KID !!!!!!! "
( 7:09 minutes )

After the match and Hardkore Kid had finished rubbing his victory in Gubba's face and left the arena, it was not over for Gubba. Outside the ring as Big Al was pulling Gubba out of the ring, a chair shot blind sides him in the back of the head and he goes down, fans then notice ....

Ruff Ryder, fans boo as he slides into the ring with the chair and lets Gubba get up, just so he can knock him back down again, then he hammers another two chair shots down on Gubba while yelling ....

Ruff - " Hardman Gubba,You mess with the wrong guy ... ( smack ) ...... and now you must pay for your crime ..... ( smack ) .....the fans come to see me not you. "

Ruff Ryder tosses the chair aside and exits the ring, Jennifer Hill runs down and escorts him back out of the arena.

Tely - " Well Lucas, looks like your stable keeps it's gold for now, later we will see Wildthing in action against The Red Raven ! "

Styles - " Divine Right finally got a win too, should make god happy ! "

Tely - " He will not be very happy with Ruff Ryder though ! "

Lucas - " Well, next we have to giants in a brawl, and one has found himself as of late, as Whitesnake has officially joined EOD, just great ! "


Standard Match
15 minute time limit

Cheryl - " The following match is standard for all non title SXW matches and will have a 15 minute time limit ! "
referee - - Ernie Chang

A lone wolf starts howling, before the first few bars of "Stairway to Heaven" scream through the speakers.The fans are on their feet, booing their heads off, as Whitesnake jumps from the scaffolding high above the arena, and lands hard in front of the Xtreme-a-tron, slightly bending the metal.

He walks to the ring, a look of evil on his face, pausing every couple of feet to stare down a fan, finally, he enters the ring, where he lifts his head back, and lets out a howl that makes the hair on the back of everyone's neck stands up.He removes his long leather trench coat, and prepares for battle.

Cheryl - " Now in the ring, from places unknown, he is .... WHITESNAKE !!!!!! "

Cheryl - " ... and his opponent ..... "

An hourglass appears on the Xtreme-a-tron, and it slowly fades out, only to be replaced by the word Planeswalker, spelled out in sand."Temple of Time" plays, as the Planeswalker slowly makes his way to the ring, his head lowered, and covered by a hood.He walks up the steps, and raises his hands, and a bolt of lightning strikes the ring post in front of him, and as the puff of smoke disappears, Planeswalker gets into the ring, removes his hood ...
and coldly stares at his opponent.

Cheryl - " Now in the ring, he is the unknown entity known as.....THE PLANESWALKER !!!!!!! "

* * * The Bell Rings * * *

The two giants locked up and after a power struggle Whitesnake finally scored a series of Judo Takedown and then hit Planeswalker with a Flying Somersault Neck Breaker , but Planeswalker was not down for long.

Planeswalker hits a Belly to Back Brainbuster Suplex and then a Cobra Clutch Suplex but as he tries a third Suplex, Whitesnake turns it over with a simple Back Drop, then right to Planeswalker with his Snake Venom- Spinning Cobra Clutch Sleeper Hold.

Planeswalker was weakened by the hold, but was able to finally break out with a Neck Snap and went at Whitesnake to score a Flying Somersault Neck Breaker and then ring into a pin. Whitesnake was able to get out before two even and then they locked it up again.

Whitesnake then went into a savage rage after he took a Apocalypse- Super Block Buster Suplex, which only seemed to make him stronger. Planeswalker felt the fury of the Snake Bite- Underhook Powerbomb (Tiger Driver) and then a Hanging Guillotine Leg Drop, but still broke out of a cover.

Planeswalker then fell victim to a Heart Kick and then a Heart Punch as if he had one. Whitesnake then whipped him into a Belly to Back Powerbomb and finally .....Fury Swipes- Lights in the arena disappear, when they return, a heavily breathing Whitesnake stands over a totally knocked out opponent. The referee dropped Planeswalker arm three times and then made his call.

* * * The Bell Rings * * *

Cheryl - " ... and your winner via knock out ..... "


Cheryl - " .... he is ...... WHITESNAKE !!!!!!! "
( 7:09 minutes )

After the match, Whitesnake bared his fangs and claws, looking as if he intended to gut Planeswalker, but quickly a little man ran to the ring and slide in, it was Zeebo ...

... using his zen abilities to calm the savage beast, and most definitely save the life of the unworthy Planeswalker.


'Trials of Darkness'

Description - Get the first issue of, Cyric 'Trials of Darkness' & mark his return with this comic inked with Cyric's own blood !
32 full color pages ! 500 copies made, all signed & numbered

Tely - " back from another break folks, and we just saw some good bouts, Hardkore Kid retained his title and will defend it against his own partner that been Wildthing who is up next ! "

Styles - " Hey Lucas what is up with that Fury card anywise, it looks kinda like an odd booking job, are you lightening up on the good guys or what !? "

Lucas - " I am still in shock about Whitesnake winning a match, what are you talking about, Ms. Myphis booked Fury, why what's wrong with it ?! "


Standard Match
15 minute time limit

Cheryl - " The following match is standard for all non title SXW matches and will have a 15 minute time limit ! "
referee - - Larry Segal

Cheryl - " Ladies and gentlemen...about to come down the aisle, he is from Perth, Australia...THE RED RAVEN !!!! "

The Red Raven enters right when his theme starts, and will out walking to fast, TRR is in the ring in mere seconds

Cheryl - " ... and his opponent ..... "

Korn blasts the arena speaks as Wildthing ... ... makes his way to the ring !

Cheryl - " Now coming to the ring, from Monterey, California and weighing in at 170 lb ... he is .... WILDTHING !!! "

* * * The Bell Rings * * *

The match started more like a Jackie Chan movie, with high flying kicks and rolling punches, both hitting, but not able to take the other down. Finally through the melee and fury of feet and fists, Raven connects with a mighty Spinning Heel Kick and then Wildthing stands up to take a Tilt-a-Whirl Head Scissors Take Down(Hurricarana) .

The Red Raven makes no cover, and as Wildthing is back to his feet, he is scooped into a Snap Suplex , but Wildthing is able to make good on a turn around with a Wildthingedge- 3/4 Face Lock Bulldog(Diamond Cutter version) and covers Raven, but is unable to get a three count.

Wildthing then nails a Short Arm Clothesline and sets Red Raven into a Vertical Suplex, but TRR reverses and scores a Snap Suplex followed by an Even Flow DDT and cover, but he only gets a two count.

The Red Raven and Wildthing lock up again and it's Raven with a powerful Tilt-a-Whirl Back Breaker that keeps Wildthing down and finds himself locked into the The Raven's Nest- Reverse Figure Four, but Wildthing finally reaches the ropes and Red Raven breaks clean.

Wildthing is up and taken to the corner and into a Hangman's DDT, TRR makes another cover, but Wildthing still has fight left and kicks out. Wildthing then sneaks in a 3/4 Face Lock Bulldog(Stunner version) and goes to the top for a Elbow Drop from the Top Rope, but Red Raven rolled out of the way and back to cover Wildthing, but only for a two count.

The Red Raven then sizes up Wildthing and scores a Tornado DDT and then his The Raven Bomb- Top Rope Headbutt, again Wildthing kicks out at two. The Red Raven then locks Wildthing into the The Red Cross- Reverse Texas Cloverleaf/Sleeper and the hold is on mid ring for nearly two minutes before Wildthing passes out and Red Raven wins the match.

* * * The Bell Rings * * *

Cheryl - " ... and your winner via knock out ..... "


Cheryl - " .... he is ... THE RED RAVEN !!!!!! "
( 8:09 minutes )

After the match, TRR pulls out a small knife and cuts he front of Wildthings shirt open with it, then kneels down and starts to carve something into Wildthing's chest, soon he is finished and leaves the arena. Wildthing stands up moments later, his chest dripping with blood and finds his chest has been carved with an .....

Styles - " Ouch, folks that was unlike the Red Raven we all know, something is changing in him ! "

Tely - " Wildthing will face Hardkore Kid on Fury for the light weight title and I hope Raven gives up his new hobby ! "

Lucas - " Pretty slow night, but since the PPV rocked the world, I guess we're allowed some slow nights, but this has made or broken some rankings and that is what this card is about ! "

S.X.W. ' Turmoil Expansion '
210 different cards to power up your favorite S.X.W. wrestlers, as you and your friends go head to head in the S.X.W. card game, you can play singles matches to battle royal's, for ages 8 and up. Plus gold foil cards are randomly inserted into individual packs.


Six Person Tag Team Match
20 minute time limit

Cheryl - " The following match is for one fall and is six person SXW non title tag team matches, this match has a 20 minute time limit ! "
referee - - Ernie Chang

A car is heard crashing, and the fans start to boo."Suicide" starts playing, green and orange pyro's go off in the entrance way.
Plague jumps off the Xtreme-a-tron, does a perfect 360, and lands on his feet.

He walks to the ring, grabs the ring ropes, and flips up into the ring.

Cheryl - " Now in the ring, he was denied afterlife in heaven so he is making earth hell, the infected, the crazed
... he is ... PLAGUE !!!!!!!!!! "

' Temptation Wait' begins as Silver Banshee ....

Cheryl - " Now making her way to the ring, from the Dirty Rotten Imbeciles, she is ...
.... SILVER BANSHEE !!! ! "

The lights go out. Small bursts of flame shoot up in two rows along the ramp way. Aeon can be seen coming out through the gloom. He raises his arms and the flames shoot to around head height. The lights return and Aeon ....
.... with Nickel ....
.... calmly walk to the ring.

Cheryl - " Now making his way to the ring, lead by Jack Nickel, he is ..... AEON !!!!!! "

Cheryl - " ... and their opponents ..... "

' Powerful Horns & Thundering Drums' begins to play as ....
Green Death & Crimson Scourge
....enter the arena and have April Knight on their shoulders. The Titans set her down and she walks behind her goliaths as they charge into the ring.

Cheryl - " Now making their way to the ring, with their manager April Knight, they are the thunder & the lightning ... they are
.... THE REAVERS !!!!!! "

* * * The Bell Rings * * *

Plague & Green Death start out the match and Plague is all over Green Death, nailing kicks and punches but the titan shrugs them off and scoops Plague into a Chokeslam and then a Elbow Drop. Plague breaks a weak pin and is up, hitting a Reverse Side Russian Leg Sweep and then a Tilt-a-Whirl Head Scissors Take Down(Hurricanrana) , Plague then tags in Aeon.

Aeon locks up with Green Death and over powers him, then nails a Powerslam and then a few Boots to the Face , but Green Death fights his way up and when tossed into the ropes he tags in Crimson Scourge.

Scourge is fresh but still taken by a Throat Punch and then a Suplex, but Aeon is unable to make a winning pin. Crimson Scourge is tossed into the DRI corner and Silver Banshee nails him with a Knife Hand Chop, then Aeon whips him into his Super Bulldog and another cover, but Scourge still breaks out before three.

Aeon tags in Silver Banshee and she nails Scourge in the belly with a boot, he flies into his corner and April Knight makes the blind tag in, she and Silver Banshee lock up and April scores a Single Arm DDT and then whips Banshee into a Belly to Belly Suplex and cover, but Plague leaps in to break it up and the match goes on.

April Knight lifts Silver Banshee up into a XTC- Running Powerbomb but Banshee slips out and then scores a Twist of Fate Neck Breaker and tries a Springboard Moonsault Splash, but fails to get a three count thanks to Green Death.

April and Silver tag out, Plague & Scourge are in, Plague is quick at scoring a Flying Head Scissors and then locks on his Edge of the Blade- Armbar and Arm Scissors(Rings of Saturn), but Scourge is so powerful, he soon breaks out.

Aeon is tagged in and tries a Pump Handle Slam, but Scourge slides out and nails a Belly to Back Suplex on his way out. Green Death is tagged in and they double team Aeon with their The Iceberg- Crimson lifts opponent into a Press Slam and then Green hits the 3/4 Facelock Bulldog, but Aeon still gets his shoulder up on a Green Death cover.

Soon all sides are in the ring fighting and then Crimson Scourge is taken out of the ring by Plague & Banshee, this leaves April to take a Boot in the Face when Green Death is spinning Aeon into a Born of Fire- Face First Airplane Spin Toss, but once Green Death sees what he did by mistake, it was not his last, as Aeon leaps out of the spin and hooks his March of Time- Reverse Sidewalk Slam(Reverse Rock Bottom) and makes the three count pin to win for DRI !

* * * The Bell Rings * * *

Cheryl - " ... and your winners via pinfall ...... "


Cheryl - " ... they are .... THE DIRTY ROTTEN IMBECILES !!!!!!!!! "
( 11:00 minutes )

'Zombie Mask'

Description - Now you to can be undead, walk through graveyards, create minion's out of wrestling rejects and then go insane all day long !

Lucas - " Finally the right side wins a match, looks like DRI did pretty well tonight, accept for Wildthing, what is The Red Raven up to anywise, caring his initials into opponents like that, maybe he wants a job !? "

Styles - " It is not over yet folks, as 11 of the best in SXW all get in the ring at the same time and Ghost Eagle is the prime target ! "

Tely - " Aeon could take this one home to your team Lucas, or maybe even the Kid ! "

Lucas - " Yes indeed ..... yes indeed ! "





Top Rope Elimination Battle Royal Title Match
No time limit

SXW One World Championship Title Belt

Cheryl - " The Following Battle Royal, is top rope elimination rules and is for the SXW One World Championship Title Belt, this match has no time limit ! "

* * * The Bell Rings * * *
referees - - Larry Segal & Noh Cheating

' One Touch of Poison ' by Lita Ford begins to play as ....
Green Death & Crimson Scourge
....enter the arena and have April Knight on their shoulders. The Titans set her down and exit backstage as April makes her way to the ring.

Cheryl - " Now making her way to the ring, in the red,white & blue, she will lacerate you .... APRIL KNIGHT !!!! "

' Nookie ' by Limp Bizkit blasts the arena as Hardkore Kid makes his way to the ring and his dozens of fans, are screaming for blood !

Cheryl - " Now making his way to the ring he is ...the crazy, freaky ...HARDKORE KID !!!!! "

'The Real Slim Shady' by Eminem starts to play and CP's video reel starts ....
as CoolmanP walks to the ring. He jumps to the 2nd turnbuckle, and puts up his fist as a pyro goes off.
He gets down and waits for the match to start.

The arena goes dark . Then a jagged line cuts the titantron picture into two equal pieces . On one side there is a narrow slit eye which is blue and the other there is a fiery wide eye which is red . Then a blue pillar of flame erupts then an orange pillar of flame explodes opposite it and the Elements appear between them
They stroll down to the ring keeping their footsteps to the rhythm. Christina follows just behind them.

Cheryl - " Now making their way to the ring, weighing at just over 500 pounds, they are ..... RAGING BULL & PIRANHA ....

Pyros go off as ' Killing in the name of .... ' by RATM hits the Arena and The Jackal Strides proudly to the ring.

Cheryl - " Now making his way to the ring, weighing in at 242 lbs, he is ..... THE JACKAL !!!!!! "

'Get Ready For The Launch' plays as Billy K. Bonk comes out from backstage as his image highlights the X-tremetron video screen.

The crowd stand and cheer as Billy looks out at the crowd. They go berserk.Billy starts bopping on stage then walks down the ramp, waving to the emphatic crowd. He slides into the ring and stands in the middle of the mat. His arms by his sides, he stands there, still.
Then suddenly the lights go out and BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! Blue pyros shoot out from the turnbuckle as Billy points to them

Cheryl - " Now making his way to the ring, prepare for Sexual Velocity with ... BILLY K. BONK !!!!!

' Bodies ' by Danzig, begins to play and the fans scream when the lights die ....
... Then the image appears on the X-Tremetron video screen.

... a few seconds pass, when the image fades and the lights return to reveal Cyric standing in the ring.

Cheryl - " Now in the ring, from places best left unknown ... he is ... CYRIC !!!!! "

The lights go out. Small bursts of flame shoot up in two rows along the ramp way. Aeon can be seen coming out through the gloom. He raises his arms and the flames shoot to around head height. The lights return and Aeon ....
.... with Nickel ....
.... calmly walk to the ring.

Cheryl - " Now making his way to the ring, lead by Jack Nickel, he is ..... AEON !!!!!! "

The ring is suddenly plunged into total darkness, even though the arena lights are still on. The darkness breaks up and dissolves like a cloud of smoke, revealing Dark Wind standing in the center of the ring !

Cheryl - " Now making his way to the ring, standing at 5'11" and weighing in at 207 pounds, he is ... DARK WIND !!!!! "

Cheryl - " ..and finally .... he is the current SXW One World Champion ..... "

A clap of thunder leads to the opening notes of " Desert Rose ".A loud Indian war-cry is heard, as Ghost Eagle emerges from behind the curtain.

He walks down to the ring in a proud, solemn way, pausing only to shake an Indian rattle in his left hand. Then a screech echo's the arena as Aeetos appears ......

Ghost Eagle slides into the ring, where he throws a powder onto the ring floor, it explodes, and when the smoke clears, Ghost Eagle stands there, wearing only soft, brown leather pants, moccasins, and war-paint. Aeetos soars up to the rafters and has his seat all too himself.

Cheryl - " Now in the ring, he is the warrior incarnate ....GHOST EAGLE !!!!! "

Before anything gets started first things first ... Noh Cheating orders everybody at ringside, not directly involved to leave the arena.

Noh - " Noh cheating !!!!! "

All but Aeetos who is hidden up in the arena rafters, then once all extra's are out of the arena ....

* * * The Bell Rings * * *

Right away everybody in that ring looks over at Ghost Eagle, he even checks himself over, wondering where the bullseye is.

Then suddenly, Bull, Piranha & Billy K. all turn to Cyric and beat him into the ropes, Cyric fights back and is doing well, but then Aeon & The Jackal join in and in a few seconds they flip him out and over the top rope.

Cyric eliminated !

As that is happening Dark Wind drops and slides out of the ring, under the bottom rope, then he calmly walks to the announcers table, looking at Noh Cheating and saying ...

Dark Wind - " This is not cheating .... (under his breath ) ... not fully anywise ! "

Now that Cyric is out, everybody then turns back to Ghost Eagle who has just hoisted April Knight up over his shoulders and flying over the top ropes out of the ring.

April Knight eliminated !

Ghost Eagle is mobbed and taken into the corner, he locks his arm and one leg around the ropes, they cannot get him over, then Aeon starts to pick the pile apart, tossing Jackal & Piranha aside, then grinds CoolmanP with a Chokeslam , right over he top ropes and out of the ring.

CoolmanP eliminated !

Lucas - " Nice to have you join us on commentary Dark Wind ! "
Dark Wind - " Agreed, in this match, only the strong will survive and I am by far the smartest and strongest in SXW ! "

Ghost Eagle has his hands full with Hardkore Kid & Billy K. Bonk, both still try to flip him over, then they look at each other and get into a no holds barred brawl. Ghost Eagle is finally free of danger .. .for now.

Raging Bull & Aeon lock it up, then Jackal and Piranha engage in a fist & foot melee. Bull nails Aeon with a Inverted Atomic Drop right into Jackal & Piranha who quickly scoop Aeon up into a Double Suplex. Ghost Eagle then breaks up the BKB & HKK brawl by slamming their heads together and then is hit with the Raging Charge- Running Crossbody Splash in the Corner(Ho Train)

The Jackal then whips Hardkore Kid into a The Decimator- Spinning Samoan Neck Breaker. , then tries to toss him out, but HKK is holding on.

Styles - " So who do you see going out next Dark Wind ?! "
Dark Wind - " The Jackal, he is out numbered by DRI & EOD, Ghost Eagle will stay a few more seconds yet, he is also alone ! "

The Jackal is then nailed by Ghost Eagle with a Tomahawk-Opponent in side headlock.Ghost Eagle runs to a corner with opponent, jumps up, plants his feet, and lands a Super Swinging DDT, as he does this Piranha tries to flip them both out but has no luck.

Bull is locked up with Aeon again, when Billy K. Bonk and Piranha talk a bit and then get behind Aeon, and with all their strength Double Sling Shot him out of the ring and to the floor.

Aeon eliminated !

Hardkore Kid bares witness to this and hits Bonk with a Kore Kick- Flying Crane Kick and then quickly snares Piranha with the Koriner- 3/4 Face Lock Bulldog(Stunner) , but once he stands back up, Raging Bull is looming over him and tosses him out with a Gorilla Press Slam Drop and HKK is out, so is all of DRI !

Hardkore Kid eliminated !

Lucas - " Dammit ! "
Dark Wind - " Do not fear Mr. Myphis, I am still going to win this for you and myself ! "

The Jackal & Ghost Eagle are locked in mortal combat, each is able to block the others fist and foot shots, neither scores a hit, then Ghost Eagle nails his Pump Handle Powerslam and then with a mighty Irish Whip, flips Jackal over the top ropes, but Jackal is springing back, feet never touched the ground, but Raging Bull runs across the ring and gives him a bump, that does the job and Jackal is out.

The Jackal eliminated !

Ghost Eagle is shocked, it's him now in the ring with three EOD members, no cheating, just good planning and they mob him, Ghost Eagle is grounded with massive fist shots and the stomped on, to be weakened, then Bull lifts him up and tries to toss Eagle out, but he also holds the ropes, and lands on the other side of the ropes.

As Piranha & Bonk go over to take him out, Ghost Eagle is sliding back into the ring, Leg Sweep to Piranha and then into another Tomahawk-Opponent in side headlock.Ghost Eagle runs to a corner with opponent, jumps up, plants his feet, and lands a Super Swinging DDT only this time directed to toss his opponent out of the ring and Bonk hits the floor.

Billy K. Bonk eliminated

Lucas - " So when do you plan to join the match Dark Wind ?! "
Dark Wind - " Only at the right time Lucas, timing is everything in these matches ! "

Raging Bull & Piranha are a bit pissed that Bonk was ousted, they work over Ghost Eagle, nothing personal, just doing their best to win, Ghost Eagle is then lifted into the awesome Sacred Slam- Wheelbarrow Face First Powerbomb by Raging Bull and a Mat Slam from Piranha, Ghost Eagle is grounded again.

Ghost Eagle is slow to stand as Bull & Piranha talk across the ring, then together they lock arms for a Double Clothesline to take out the champ but as they start to run at him ..... Dark Wind leaps out of his seat and on the announcers table, then a incredible leap across and he lands on the ring apron, then grabs the top rope and drops off, but his feet never touch the ground and he was not put over the top rope, needless to say, Ghost Eagle sees the Double Clothesline just in time and ducks, then Bull & Piranha hit the ropes, been pulled down now by Dark Wind and they both at the same time slam to the floor, Dark Wind then springs up and into the ring, over the top rope.

Raging Bull & Piranha eliminated !

Now it is just Ghost Eagle & Dark Wind. Ghost takes a nasty Shadow Strike- Spinning Roundhouse Kick to the throat, but once he gets a chance to work Dark Wind over he over powers him, then scores a Suplex into a Powerslam(Jackhammer) and fans erupt with cheers.

Ghost Eagle then scoops Dark Wind up into a Gutwrench Gut Buster and finally a 3/4 Front Face Bulldog , then Ghost lifts Dark Wind up and drags him to the ropes, but Dark Wind holds tight and is no where near going over. Ghost Eagle then takes a Low Blow, both referee's warn Dark Wind about that and then to fans surprise Dark Wind leaps into a Splits Kick and nails both Noh & Larry and they go through the ropes on opposite sides of the ring and out.

Dark Wind is not playing around, he opens his portal to his lair and pulls out his The Shadow Blade- Katana of unknown origin and then laughs at Ghost Eagle, Dark Wind then uses his The Shadow Blade- Katana of unknown origin to keep Ghost Eagle from reaching for his shaman pouch of holding.

Dark Wind is evil, he knows this is cheating and he plans to kill the One World Champion and replace him, but then .....SCKEEEEEEEEEE ... it's Aeetos, from the rafters at the speed of sound and simply knocked the The Shadow Blade- Katana of unknown origin out of Dark Wind's hands.

Dark Wind is distracted for a split second and that is all it takes as Ghost Eagle lifts him into a Press Slam and tosses him out of the ring, over the top rope and Dark Wind crashes down right next to Noh Cheating, who is now standing, he makes the final call ......

* * * The Bell Rings * * *

Cheryl - " ... and your winner via final elimination ..... "


Cheryl - " ... and still SXW One World Champion ...... "


Cheryl - " .... he is .... GHOST EAGLE !!!!!!!!!!!!! "
( 12:45 minutes )

Ghost is handed his One World strap as confetti falls all around the arena, Dark Wind is ferries as he reclaims his The Shadow Blade- Katana of unknown origin and then his Darkness title and teleports to places unknown as Aeetos joins Ghost Eagle for his in ring celebration !

....... was then cut off and the camera went to Cheryl Hunter for the 'Now the Stage is Set' report .......

Things started out light, but ended big with a super brawl and Ghost Eagle still prevailed, despite the odds !
Hardkore Kid did not claim One World gold, but he did retain his Light Weight title and will face his partner on Fury !
The Red Raven is on a mean streak carving into his opponents with a knife and leaving his mark on them after defeat !
DRI pull off an upset win against The Reavers, but then again, Aeon replaced CoolmanP and maybe the Reavers where the underdogs ?!
.....Join us in three days for FRIDAY NIGHT FURY !!!!!
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Exclusive Footage

At a hospital, doctors loom in a room talking about how their patient barely survived the surgery and how he will never speak, walk or move his upper body ever again. The man in the bed is wrapped in gauss and medical tape, his face is half covered to do having most of his left skull removed and he is in a deep coma.

Doctor 1 - " A man of smaller size and strength would surely be dead, to bad a man as honorable as him was gunned down trying to help a women from rape, did the police get any of the shooters. "

Nurse - " None, it was the Crips ! "

Doctor 2 - " He should snap out of his coma in a few days, he may not be very happy when he does, I cannot say I blame him ! "

Doctor 1 - " Then he will go to the Northview home for the disabled, most likely, for the rest of his life and he is so young, this truly is a shame ! "

Doctor 2 - " Yeah, he used to be my sons favorite wrestler ... something he will for sure never do again ! "

Of course the man is Brimstone ...... he is no more the mighty figure he once was, now a quadriplegic and mute, his face is nearly half gone and his life is spared ... but what kind of a life is that, for a man once so powerful and great ?