PPV results 07/08/2001
SXW: Days of Future Present
live from the SXW Mega Dome


A small card is set, many more matches will take place but out of the arena and ring, a war will be fought as sides are drawn and all lines will be crossed.

Logan Eagle conducted his last glimpse and it was on Omega and Logan has since remained silent, As a handful met in the arena as the show begins, they disguse the glimpse ( But you will learn that later ), Omega, Kamikaze, Brimstone, Raging Bull & Ahala listen to Logan Eagle as he reveals his glimpse.

SXW Days of Future Present
Ivan the Great vs. Hardkore Holmwood
Hard-core rematch
Shain Nelles vs. Phoenix
Scrap Yard Match
Non sanctioned match but still ranked
Brimstone vs. Ben Harvey
Scrap Yard Match
Non sanctioned match but still ranked
Ahala vs. April Knight
Scrap Yard Match
Non sanctioned match but still ranked
Frost vs. Darkwind
Scrap Yard Match
Non sanctioned match but still ranked
Raging Bull vs. Billy K. Bonk
No DQ Rematch
Instant match but still ranked
Lugg-Nutt vs. Brandon Wallace
Hard-core Rematch Match
Non sanctioned match but still ranked
Loci vs. ICE vs. Aeon
Triple Threat Match
one fall
The Red Raven vs. Curio
1st Blood Match
Non sanctioned match but still ranked
Over Fiend vs. Whitesnake
Street Fight
Non sanctioned match but still ranked
Sleet vs. Crazy Noodle Boy
Hard-core Initials Match
No rules both titles via intiials in opponent
Omega vs. Sandman
No DQ Match
Alpha will be present
The Trinity vs. Kid Plague & Hex
Hard-core Tag Title Match
Last ever tag champions title holders
Cyric vs. Kamikaze
Final Title Match
Last ever SXW OWC !!! W3RD !!!



IVAN the GREAT vs.

Hard-core Rematch Match
15 minute time limit

Matellica begins to play as Hardkore Holmwood walks into the arena!

Cheryl - " ... Like a Rubix, the more you play with him, the harder he gets, from the Red light district of Tunbridge Wells..
... HARDKORE HOLMWOOD !!!!!!!! "

The Russian National Anthem plays Ivan the Great comes to the ring, to the boos of the American fans!

Cheryl - " Now making his way to the ring from Russian with Hate ... he is .....
........ IVAN THE GREAT !!!!!!!!!!! "

* * * The Bell Rings * * *

These two have fought before in hard-core brawls, they start out with fists, then street signs, then chairs and ladders, as fans watch Holmwood level Ivan with a chair then go top of the ladder only to have it knocked down and tossing him right into the crowd section over the rail.

Ivan bashed Holmwood around outside the ring and into objects setting him up for a powerful Russian Bomb- Super Powerbomb off the ring apron and through a table, then the cover and Ivan wins again.

* * * The Bell Rings * * *

Mikee B - " And your winner via hard-core pinfall ..... "



Mikee B - " .. Defeating the same opponent twice in a row .... "


Mikee B - " ..... He is ........ IVAN THE GREAT !!!!!!!!!!! "
Match time 6:51

While the 1st match of the last SXW PPV goes on in the ring, the Scrap Yard is a whole other show in its own.


Scrap Yard Match
no time limit


Scrap Yard Match
no time limit


Scrap Yard Match
no time limit


Scrap Yard Match
no time limit

As Omega and Kamikaze slip out of sight and Raging Bull head to the arena to talk to his fans and demand Billy K. Bonk comes into the ring and faces him like a man.

Two brothers have one last score to settle, two women one final time will prove which is toughest, a legend hopes to show up the upstart and a dark warriors wishes to face a so called hero, on record but not in the arena, SXW will learn of the results just like the fanss will, by watching and learning.

Shain Nelles nad Phoenix lock up, brothers bicker while the women Ahala & April Knight ,do much the same, Brimstone & Harvey exchange fists, no words while Dark Wind and Frost both resort to ariel moves and super powers, the four rings in the scrap yard are blazing with action.

As the battles continue, none notice as a time portal opens, allowing Legion to step through and into 2001, present time, he is gone unnoticed until Omega sees him, he points this out to Omega and all three move around the 2nd level of the scrap yard like ninjas, advancing to the middle and combat.

In the rings, Phoenix tries a From the Ashes- X-Factor on his brother who knows him to well and reverses into The Fly- Leg Face Driver(Fameasser) and then locks Phoenix into The Originater- Crossface Hold(Crippler Crossface).

Brimstone & Harvey are in total haymaker madness, when Harvey nails his Double Choke Slam and then sets up to hit his 360 Splash off the Turn Buckle(Shooting Star Press) but Brimstone is standing and holy crap catches the heavy Harvey in mid air and breaks him across his knee in a Back Breaker Rack and drops him to the mat. Soon after Harvey is tough and standing up, but he then takes that famous trio of Brimstone's BBB Choke Slams .. Choke Slam off the ropes, Choke Slam off turn buckle and finally his War Cry- Middle of ring sky high Choke Slam. making his cover for three to win his match.

------------ winner --------------

With Brimstone done will Harvey Nelles whips his brother back into The Originater- Crossface Hold(Crippler Crossface). until he taps out this time. Nelles is victorious.

------------ winner --------------

Just as they finish up, Ahala slams April Knight with her Amazon Suplex- Belly to Back Cross Face Chickenwing Suplex and April Knight admits defeat.

------------ winner --------------

At this point Legion is pummeling with Omega while Kamikaze makes Legion work twice as hard in combat while also asking the egotistical genius his master plan and of course Legion reveals some, telling Kamikaze what he really wants to hear .. until .... Legion whips away from the two heroes and has some distance.

Legion - " Actually I was here to also distract the two of you .... you forget your mission, the saftey of your friend ... ! "

Pretty much all at the same time, these three fighting up top and the four matches fought down on the ground floor rings, wait, seems only three really took off ....

Omega - " Shit !!!!!! "

From the first moment into the matches, Dark Wind drained all of Frosts powers with his Soul Reaver- Claw hold to face, drains victim's energy,

having taken all of Frost's super powers, perminantly and leaving him near death, powerless and his body was wrinkled severally from the draining, only person we seen who looked that messed up was .. is ...


Dark Wind then quickly opens a portal once all eyes are on him and he drags Frost into the portal with him and both are gone in a flash.

Kamikaze - " How could we have lost ourselves in combat with Legion, we knew this moment was coming ! "

Legion - " Hahahaha, I have set up a de-inhibitor field on this 2nd level, since I am synthetic ... you two where the only ones to feel the effects. now that I have done my part and so has Dark Wind ... I am cutting out to deal with you two next time .. for all time ! "

Legion was never there, this is just another high tech android clone, the most advanced yet, gone in a flash as it self detonates !

Kamikaze was shielded by Omega who took the brunt of the explosion, his body ripped by concussive force alone, the metal flakes all melt into liquid form and burn into his skin then harden as his body starts to heal around the fragments.

On the 1st level in the ring, fans, wrestlers all run for cover as the explosion on the top level shoots debree all over them. During the chaos, Legion perhaps was really there all along, but not in combat, he is there again now in another time portal, he ashurs Phoenix into it as they quickly escape, Shain Nelles is furious as his brother has once again allied with Legion.


Instant Match
15 minute time limit

Note, this match takes place at the same time as the scrap yard brawls did.

Two horns appear on the X-Tremetron & a Bull's snuff can be heard. His music starts
& he is lowered from the X-Tremetron

Cheryl - " Now making their way to the ring, he is none other then the legendary horned Goliath ...
... RAGING BULL !!!!!!!!! "

Bull had being talking smack on the ring and getting mad fan pops like Mick Foley would with a new book. Rumor around the island is that other wrestlers and even staff where not willing to let Billy K. Bonk leave this island in one peace and this was days again, and yes it is true BKB is still stuck on X-Treme Island, holding Christina against her will, he finally comes to he ring getting mad fan boos and chant.

'Get Ready For The Launch' plays as Billy K. Bonk comes out from backstage as his image highlights the X-tremetron video screen.

The crowd stand and cheer as Billy looks out at the crowd. They go berserk, Billy starts bopping on stage then walks down the ramp, waving to the emphatic crowd. He slides into the ring and stands in the middle of the mat. His arms by his sides, he stands there, still.
Then suddenly the lights go out and BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! Blue pyros shoot out from the turnbuckle as Billy points to them.

Cheryl - " Now making his way to the ring, prepare for Sexual Velocity with ... BILLY K. BONK !!!!!!!! "

Christina is pushed into the ring and inbetween the two, when she signals Bull and then drops to her knees, right away Raging Bull floors BKB with a Clothesline from Hell

* * * The Bell Rings * * *

The match was all Raging Bull, using his fists to pummel BKB around the ring, he barely was able to fight back scoring only his Heart Punch which did nothing to Raging Bull.

BKB on the other hand took all the Bull's usual moves and we watched Bull show off after every one of them. Then he gave us his new Raging Gore and put BKB out cold in the middle of the ring. Making a one footed cover to win.

* * * The Bell Rings * * *


Mikee B " - And your winner via pinfall ..... "


Mikee B " - ... he is an XWF/SXW Legend ... "



Mikee B " - .........RAGING BULL !!!!!! "
Match time 4:45 minutes

After the match it was clear Bull was back, his stomach still heavy in bandages from where BKB shot him weeks ago and his other wounds from massive attacks every since he joined SXW is once again around Christina as fans cheer like crazy !


Hard-core Match
15 minute time limit

Note, this match takes place at the same time as the scrap yard brawls did.

While the other battles take place, the lone gunman of the SOD has distanced himself from his master Loci and Trix, the only survivors of the stable, he walks alone around the park of X-Treme Island, alone unitl ....

Hex - " You took something from me Lugg ! "

Lugg turns to see Brandon Hex holding a 2x4 with his one good hand, which just happens to suckah crash on top of his skull, breaking in half and leveling Lugg-Nutt.

Hex - " After I take you off the surface for taking my arm, I am going to get tha Jackal and my mask back to ! "

Brandon Hex takes full advantage of his sneak attack and stomps the crud out of Lugg, then nails a Jaws of Undeath- Tilt-a-Whirl Head Scissors Takedown (Hurricanrana)but in mid move Lugg reverses and slams Hex on his back. Lugg-Nutt's turn as he deals out his Bombs Away- Reverse Bulldog then the Fixxer-Upper- Brainbuster DDT and finally using his Beheading- Opponent in a high bear hug, then falls back, dropping the opponents neck across a park bench.

Lugg then reveals his sword and quickly hacks and slashes at Hex while he is down on his knees. Once the sword melee is over Brandon has cuts on equal sides of his body, slashes arcoss his shoulders, chest, arms, cheechs, in a matter of seconds Brandon is begging Lugg to spare his life ... the mercanry hellsman seems to comply as he simply turns and walks away.

To bad Hex was stalling for time, he grabs part of the broken 2x4 with the most jagged edge and aims to impale Lugg, but as Hex starts to run at him full steam, Lugg-Nutt whips around with the blade of his sword in a 360 and like he never skipped a beat keeps walking towards the arena.

The corpse of the once human Brandon 'Hex' Wallace stands for a few seconds, then his head rolls off his body and the corpse falls to the ground.

As The battle in the scrap yard is completely over, Frost revealed as The Monarch as his power is drained by Dark Wind and then taken into a portal to who knows where.

Logan Eagle explains he glimpsed Frost but saw a normal life, obviously a cover from his future evil self. What Logan saw in Omega's glimpse told the whole true story. As Frost had lost his powers, and his life as we know it to Dark Wind his tag team partner continued to wrestle and fight against evil, with his new tag partner .. OMEGA !

Frost grew to blame super naturals for his losses, seen how his partner continued without him and Frost decided he would destroy all the super naturals on earth.


Thriple Threat Match
20 minute time limit

The lights dim as a ICE blue laser pans through the audience the the laser appears at the entrance way where ICE makes his way out..........

Cheryl - " Now making his way to the ring, weighing in at 360 lb and from the Jersey Shores....... He is ICE !!!! "

' Am I Evil ' by Danzig Plays as the lights fade, when the lights appear Loci is in the ring...

... where he then spits fire as turnbuckle pyro's explode, trix is with Loci.

Cheryl - " Now in the ring, he dwells in places such as Salem's Lot .... he is ...... LOCI !!!!!! "

The lights go out. Small burts of flame shoot up in two rows along the rampway. Aeon can be seen coming out through the gloom. He raises his arms and the flames shoot to around head height. The lights return and Aeon ....

Cheryl - " Now making his way to the ring, he is ..... AEON !!!!!! "

* * * The Bell Rings * * *

The three giants exchanged fist shots until ICE went on the attack with his Turning Heel Kick in Aeon's face and then a DDT on Loci. ICE made a cover but Loci kicked out. Aeon then hit both with a Splash and then lifted ICE into his Pump Handle Slam and then locked ICE into a Figure Four Leg Lock.

Loci broke it up with a boot to Aeon's face and then drove him to the mat in his Underhook Face Driver, quickly turning to hook ICE into the Gates of Hell- Neck drop on the ropes or turnbuckle set up for the Evil Evades- Gutwrench spinning powerbomb and pin combo

ICE was able to kick out before three and the match went on. Loci & Aeon fighting for a greatest cause while ICE only wanted to win the match. When trix had Aeon distracted outside th ring, ICE snuck in on Loci and lifted him into the Suplex into a Powerslam(Jackhammer) and made the single cover to win the match.

* * * The Bell Rings * * *

Mikee B - " And your winner via pinfall ...... "



Mikee B - " ..... he is ice cold ....... "



Mikee B - " ..... ICE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "
Match time 7:22

After the match ICE walked out to his music while Aeon was left to the wolves, as Lugg showed up and the SOD had him cornered.

Loci - " I guess you can tell right now ... I accepted Legion and Monarchs offer, they want you out of the picture ! "

Aeon starts getting the beat down from Loci, Lugg & even Trix ... until .... Omega, Kamikaze, Bull & Brimstone rush the ring, clearing out the SOD and saving Aeon.


Last Blood Match
20 minute time limit

The Red Raven was not here to fight, rather to screw Sleet out of however many titles he could, but there was others who had agenda's as well, including a certain Vampire Cult that TRR once belonged to, which was never quite explained, until now.

Curio - " Going someplace Raven ?! "

Red Raven - " Curio, what do you want ! "

Curio - " THe master has not forgotten how you and The Spirits of Fury once infiltrated our Cult ... he has sent me to turn you into one of us, for real this time, no charades ! "

Curio flies at TRR taking him in the air and bashing Gore style through double doors and into a large empty room, nothing but concrete as Curio uses his vampire strength to smash The Red aven from wall to wall until it's stops when Raven slides in his Power Flapjack and escapes the room.

In the hallways again and Curio at break neck speed clocks Raven and then nails his Wheelbarrow Face First Powerbomb, Curio and Raven are just messing up the hallways in the back of the arena. Raven takes a nasty Heart Punch and is set into the Bloodless Slam- Suplex Powerslam(Jackhammer)but flips out to score his Hangman's DDT off a near by table.

TRR locks Curio into his The Raven's Nest- Reverse Figure Four and just as he leans back and looks up, he sees a formiliar sight, his old partner The Glacier.

The Glacier kicks Raven right in his face, knocking him off Curio, who stands up, both look down on TRR and reveal their vampire skins, morphing before his eyes into evil creatures of the night. But htey are not alone as they hold Raven upright, Sandman & Xander Bloodstone walk into the hallway.

Xander - " Now my son it is time you fully joined the flock like The Glacier did ! "

The Red Raven tries to fight free but the vamps are to strong, beating him down and holding him up as Xander Bloodstone himself bites Raven on his neck, enough so he will soon turn to a vampire himself, his soul re-arranged and he will do the masters bidding !

Street Fight

No time limit

Again, while many other small battle are fought on X-Treme Island, another feud is about to be settled, as the man of stone takes o nhe man beast. Both alone in the outback of X-Treme Island, the sun is their only spectaitor.

The lock up is back and forth, Whitesnake uses his claws quickly but cannot cut into he granit like skin of Over Fiend, who snares the beast into his Overhead Powerbomb and slams him into a tree, which is up rooted. Whitesnake is back in an instant, clawing at Over Fiend like a savage wolverine. Whitesnake then tries his Heart Punch and Heart Kick which both fail, but to Fiend's surprise the Judo Takedown works h to the ground jus fine.

Whitesnake is quick with a Hanging Guillotine Leg Drop and then the powerful Snake Bite- Underhook Powerbomb (Tiger Driver), all he has left to do is go for the kill and as Fiend stands back up, Whitesnake is unleasheding his Fury Swipes- Whitesnake uses his razor sharp claw to savagely maul his opponent, once done with his Frenzy, he stands breathing heavily.

Whitesnake then looks at his claws to see them all chipped and broken, Fiend only scratched not truly harmed and nailing Whitesnake in the jaw with powerful right and left hooks. Fiend scores his Force of One- Running Powerbomb and then lifts the still fighting Whitesnake up into a mighty Bearhug.

Fiend holds Whitesnake off the ground in the Bearhug while Whitesnake bites and scratches to get free, while the breath is squeezed from his body, after much time Over Fiend summons ungoldy strength and then both hear as Whitesnake's spine pops and snaps, cracking his bones until Whitesnake is crushed to death and dropped in a blood mess from internal bleeding to the dirt ground, left to bake dead in the sun, Fiend simply walks away and towards the arena.

Back in the arena the 1st title match is ready to begin.


Hard-core Blood Initials Duo Title Match
30 minute time limit

SXW Hard-core & Bloodlust Championship Titles

The theme from Dragon Ball Z begins to play as Blue lasers and pyro's light up the entrance way and once Sleet appears he blows smoke from his mouth.

Cheryl - " Now in the ring, the storm before the blizzard .... he is ..... SLEET !!!!! "

Sleet shows up even after learning his partner Frost is The Monarch, and gone missing and drained of all power. His tag partner will not be able to compete in the tag title match, but other problems seem to pop up .... after Crazy Noodle Boy's theme has been playing and usually he has appeared by now, but nothing.

Crazy Noodle Boy's them plays once again, but still CNB is a no show. Sleet starts to show some interest in what is happening currently, and the match is close to being called when suddenly ... Over Fiend bursts into the arena.

Fiend - " There will be a title match here and now, Sleet, you and me, one on one for your SXW Bloodlust strap ! "

Sleet really must have lost his mind, as he agrees to fight a man made of stone with no hope of carving into his rock like chest.


Handicap Blood Initials Title Match
20 minute time limit

SXW Bloodlust Championship Titles

' Piece by Piece ' by Slayer begins to play as Over Fiend escorted by Jennifer Hill make way to the ring ...

Cheryl - " Now making his way to the ring, weighing in at 350 pounds, he is the master of ... The Walls of Stone & Pain .....
....... THE OVER FIEND !!!!!!!"

Jennifer Hill - " All you have to do Sleet in order to win is pin Over Fiend, he will fight by standard Bloodlust rules. "

Fresh off his battle with Whitesnake, Fiend is in another match, a title match.

* * * The Bell Rings * * *

Sleet tries to keep his distance while nailing Missile Drop Kicks and Clotheslines, which do barely nothing to Over Fiend. Sleet is trying but clearly his head is not right, after losing his partner to a war in the future, Over Fiend is taking full advantage, scoring his Belly to Belly Suplex and then a series of Overhead Release Belly to Back Waistelock (German) Suplex .

Sleet is then locked into the Armbar and Arm Scissors (Rings of Saturn) but during this, Trish & Lita went to work, running to the ring and taking out Jennifer Hill, which caused Over Fiend to break his hold and go to the ropes, which lead to Sleet scooping him backwards into a pin, which was how he had to win the match, Fiend had to carve the initials.

Over Fiend broke hte pin and both stood up, Sleet then fired his Kame Hame Ha- A huge beam of energy that can knock his opponent out( Dragon Ball Z Style ) stunning Over Fiend, then hitting him with a Top Rope 3/4 Face Lock Bulldog ( Diamond Cutter version ) and pin.

Fiend kicked out with force, both back up and locke into Waist Locks until Fiend flips Sleet around and into the Overhead Powerbomb Turnbuckle Slam then beat him senseless in the corner while Sleet hung upside down. Over Fiend then reached over the ropes and grabbed trish by her hair, pulling out a hair pin. Fiend then carved OF into Sleet's chest.

* * * The Bell Rings * * *

Mikee B - " And your winner viacarving his initials into his opponents chest ...... "



Mikee B - " ..... he is the new evil and vile SXW Bloodlust Champion ....... "



Mikee B - " ..... OVER FIEND !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "
Match time 8:11


No DQ Match
20 minute time limit

'Enter Sandman' by Metallica plays as the fans in goth cheer the undead, Sandman makes his way to he ring.

Real American hits the sound system and fans roar as ..... Red, white, and blue pyros go off along the entrance ramp and Defender walks out carrying an American flag. When he gets in the ring more pyros explode from the ring posts as he salutes the crowd.

Cheryl - " Now standing in the ring, he is THE REAL AMERICAN ....... OMEGA-DEFENDER !!!!! "

* * * The Bell Rings * * *

As usual these two met in a furious fist melee and then into power moves, the kill always on their minds. Omega nailed his Final Justice- Gorilla Press into a Chokeslam but Sandman was still walking. Flying in fact as he took Omega into a Tilt-a-Whirl Head Scissors Takedown(Rana) and then a Crossface Chickenwing and Leg Scissors .

Omega fought the pain and broke free, later in the match he nailed Sandman with his Patriot Driver- Jumping Piledriver but during the set up Omega Bomb- Top Rope Senton Bomb out of nowhere he was attacked by ... Curio !

The Vampire Nation was strong, as one by one they appeared and quickly turned this no DQ match all in Sandman's favor. After Curio struck, The Glacier hit Omega, then the newly turned Red Raven scored a power move on Omega, not done yet, as Xander Bloodstone himself slammed Omega through 2 tables side by side, laying him out cold for Sandman to make the cover.

As the lot of vampires stood around Omega and Sandman makes the cover ... ..... A wooden stake is fired at high speed right through Xander Bloodstone's chest, and seconds later the elder vampire turns to a pile of dust, behind him the Vampire Nation see ... Alpha !

Alpha fires more wooden spikes from a vampire slaying gun, Sandman's cover is completely broken as he must avoid the shots also, Omega free to fight back is up and in the quick melee he grabs and forces The Glacier's huge fist right into The Red aven's chest and heart and then Raven is dust. Omega slams The Glacier over him and onto the pile of wood, impaling him on a sharp piece of table, another vampire is dusted.

During this melee Alpha is aiming for Sandman but Curio is the one to take the stake, nea his heart but not quite. Sandman in a flash is behind Alpha nad holds her hostage, in the ring Omega & Curio fight it out ending with Omega lopping off Sandman's head with the side of a half broken table top.

Sandman - " Omega ... I still hold the last ace ! "

Sandman has Alpha, Omega is hundereds of feet away, Sandman goes in for the bite, as he makes contact he jolts backwards and then ... falls to the floor in a pile of dust.

Kamikaze stands with his sword drawn, he has slain the final vampire, Omega & Alpha embrace as all three circle the ring to cheering fans.

* * * The Bell Rings * * *

Mikee B - " And your winner via destroying all vampires...... "



Mikee B - " ..... he is the one and only....... "



Mikee B - " ..... OMEGA-DEFENDER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "
Match time 10:13

The match ends no contest in Omega's favor.

As we near the end of the PPV, Sleet is still short a tag team partner, the mystery own3r has decided to rebook and push the OWC title match first and then last will be World Tag titles


Standard Title Match
No time limit




The Sound of a W.W.II fighter diving, then a loud explosion with flash effects and pyros. "Danger Zone" starts playing and Kamikaze walks to the ring, enters, and bows to his opponent.

Cheryl - " Now in the ring from Japan, he is the mysterious and honorable ..... KAMIKAZE !!!!!!!!! "

' Bodies ' by Danzig, begins to play and the fans scream when the lights die ....
... Then the image appears on the X-Tremetron video screen.

... a few seconds pass, when the image fades and the lights return to reveal Cyric standing in the ring.

Cheryl - " Now in the ring, from places best left unknown ... he is ... CYRIC !!!!! "

* * * The Bell Rings * * *

The Light Weight champion stood across from the huge Cyric and current SXW One World Champion. An amazing melee of high flying and avoiding power moves was under way. Kamikaze worked into his Victory Roll- Off the top rope hurricanrana into a small package but Cyric caught him in mid air and nailed a Sidewalk Slam.

Cyric was then in total control, hitting Kamikaze with everything he had.Belly to Belly Suplex, Belly to Back Suplex, Powerbomb and even his powerful Chokeslam but in the cover, Kamikaze got his foot on the bottom rope.

Cyric was enraged, whipping Kamikaze into the corner and nailing a Corner Splash, but on his 2nd attempt, Kamikaze flipped up on the top rope and scored his Divine Wind- Corkscrew shooting star press off the top rope on Cyric's bounce back.

Kamikaze had the pin but Cyric kicked out with force. Kamikaze then went to work with martial arts action, ending with his Spinning Heel Kick sending Cyric down in the corner and ripe for a Running Corner Vertical Splash (The Bronco Buster) .

Cyric was up quickly and taking punches, fighting through them to grab Kamikaze and slam him again with a Inferno's Snare- Sidewalk Slam (Rock Bottom) and then locked on a Cross Arm Breaker, to break the hold Kamikaze grabbed the ropes, but Cyric yanked him right off and kept the Cross Arm Breaker on.

Kamikaze then lured Cyric to the corner for a LSD Dudley Drop and then a pin but again Cyric still had power to kick out with force. Again the two fist fought until Cyric tossed Kamikaze right on top of a turn buckle, then climbed up them to work in his Damnation- Belly to Belly(Tombstone) Piledriver Off Middle Turnbuckle but Kamikaze flipped out in mid air and Cyric slammed only the mat and thin air.

Kamikaze was like lightning striking with kicks and flips, a blur as he moved all about the ring and around Cyric, who finally stuck out his hand at the right moment in effect scoring a Clothesline and then dragged Kamikaze back to the corner this time for his Touch of Cain- Front Faced Suplex Off Top Rope but again in mid move, Kamikaze flipped right out, this time landing back on the turn buckle and right off hitting Cyric perfectly with his Air Strike- Spinning round house kick off the top rope, which caused Cyric to fall through the ropes and to the floor.

Kamikaze was up top again, this time off the ropes and out of the ring with his Bomb's Away- Frog splash onto an opponent who is outside the ring now finally both where down.

Cyric up first grabbed half the ring stairs and brought them down on top of Kamikaze, over and over, he would have been flattened if not for finally moving quickly and well across the ring floor area, then crawled back into the ring, Cyric soon followed him back in and walked right into a Small Package which Cyric broke quickly enough, but not so quick to see Kamikaze leaping on the ropes and back at Cyric in a Moonsault and then fans where shocked when Kamikaze scored his Belly to Back Waist Lock (German) Suplex on the huge Cyric.

Cyric however did slide out of the Reverse Bridge and on his feet again, but again so was Kamikaze and he hits Cyric with a Running Frog Splash but is caught again in mid air and Bodyslammed to the mat. Cyric was back in full control, beating Kamikaze around the ring and fans gave the big boos with each power move and then when Cyric went for his Tombstone Piledriver mid ring, somehow Kamikaze tripped up Cyric's legs and rolled him into a Small Package .... Cyric was trying like the dickens to get out of a one ... two ...
threeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !!!!

* * * The Bell Rings * * *

Mikee B - " And your winner via pinfall ........ "



Mikee B - " .... and new SXW One World Champion ....... "



Mikee B - " ... he is .......... KAMIKAZE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "
Match time 10:34 minutes

Off in the place out of time, the monitar chamber formerly belonging to Anti-Aeon, is now host to Crazy Noodle Boy who has been monitoring the entire PPV from here, even when he pulled his no show.

CNB eats popcorn and sips his drink through a straw.


Standard Tag Title Match
No time limit





Pyros go off as ' Killing in the name of .... ' by RATM hits the Arena and Chayden Hex Strides proudly to the ring.

Cheryl - " Now making his way to the ring, weighing in at 242 lbs, he is ..... CHAYDEN HEX !!!!!!!! "

' Nookie ' by Limp Bizkit blasts the arena as Kid Plague makes his way to the ring and his dozens of fans, are screaming for blood !

Cheryl - " Now making his way to the ring he is ...the crazy, freaky ... KID PLAGUE !!!!! "

The theme from Dragon Ball Z begins to play as Blue lasers and pyro's light up the entrance way and once Sleet appears he blows smoke from his mouth.

Cheryl - " Now in the ring, the storm before the blizzard .... he is ..... SLEET !!!!! "

Sleet - " So I was not able to find a partner ... but I was able to find ..... A DEFENDER !!!!!! "

Real American hits the sound system and fans roar as ..... Red, white, and blue pyros go off along the entrance ramp and Defender walks out carrying an American flag. When he gets in the ring more pyros explode from the ring posts as he salutes the crowd.

Cheryl - " Now standing in the ring, he is THE REAL AMERICAN ....... OMEGA-DEFENDER !!!!! "

Kid Plague & CHayden Hex are not happy to see the awesome Omega as their 2nd opponent, he has fought 2 battle already today and his healing factor is working over tim, his body still has yet to push out the shrapnel from hours ago when the Legiondroid self destructed and he sheilded the new SXW OWC Kamikaze from the impact.

* * * The Bell Rings * * *

Sleet starts against Chayden Hex, the cruiser weights duking it out and scoring sly moves like Sleet with his Handspring Clothesline and CHayden Hex with his Belly to Back Powerbomb(Screw Driver) . CHayden Hex finally nailed Sleet with a Back to Back Choke Drop and tagged in Kid Plague.

Kid Plague was darting around the ring like a grasshoper thanks to the Talisman of Nucto plaguing him. Kid Plague then scored the Springboard Moonsault Body Press(Asai Moonsault) and cover but Sleet kicked out.

Sleet was trying to get the advantage but when he finally scored a 3/4 Face Lock Bulldog ( Diamond Cutter version ) and went tothe ropesfor his Ice Bomb- Powerbomb off Top Rope Chayden Hex pushed them both off and Sleet, Kid Plague stayed down for near a 10 count.

Sleet was up and dived for the tag just as Chayden Hex was tagged in and nearly upon him, but he ran right into Omega as he stepped through the ropes and went to town on Hex with powerful right & left hooks taking him into his own corner where Kid Plague took a Elbow and off the ring apron he went.

Omega whipped Hex into a Suplex into a Powerslam(Jackhammer) and then a multi-pressing Gorilla Press Slam before he hurled him over the ropes and smack dab on top of Kid Plague who was just getting to his feet then back down.

Sleet was tagged in as Chayden Hex finally crawled back into the ring, Sleet 0wn3d him hitting everything from his Twist of Fate Neck Breaker to finalizing the deal with his Hail Storm- Powerbomb into a Cradle but Kid Plague cheated and the match continued.

Sleet was stuck in the ring again as Hex & Plague used every cheap trick i nthe book to double team one man, finally it look hopeless for Sleet as Chayden was tagged back in and scored The Decimator- Spinning Samoan Neck Breaker. and then casually locked Sleet into the Final Penance- Strong Scorpion Deathlock Leg Lock(Sharpshooter).

While the submission hold was on tight and Sleet had no where to go, he was about to call it quits, Omega was yelling for him to hang in there, Kid Plague was already grabbing the title belts when suddenly Chayden Hex started to scream in pain, he let go of his hold and the win.

Grabbing his face, green ooze began to drip from his head to the mat as he struggled to rip the Hex mask off his face as it was literally eating his head, crushing the skull and finally envoloping around Chayden's brain, crushing it like a grape and ending the undead unlife of Chayden Jackal.

With Jackal eliminated Kid Plague would have to do it alone, he was trying his tricks again but Omega was legal and not taken by the minor attacks and low blows, finally he wrecked Kid Plague with his Final Justice- Gorilla Press into a Chokeslam and turned to tag in Sleet for the pin, but Plague was quasi-undead and not hit as bad as it looked, right away he was up on his feet and grabbing the one tag title he dropped he ring, using the sharp edge as he dived right for the back of Omega's head.

That is when Sleet used his Kame Hame Ha- A huge beam of energy that can knock his opponent out( Dragon Ball Z Style ) and froze Kid Plague in mid air in a block of clear solid ice. The match is called a no contest as Sleet & Omega are the SXW World Tag Team Champions !

* * * The Bell Rings * * *

Mikee B - " ...And your winners via no contest ..... "


Mikee B - " New but still SXW World Tag Team Champions ..... "

Suddenly the microphone of Mikee B cuts out, as a new voice is heard!

Voice - " Not so fast 21st century scum .... these two so called champions have yet to defend against the real Hex & Plague !!!!! "

Everybody is look up as 2 freaks of nature stand on a hovering platform. They are from the far future, the 24th centuries version of Hex & Plague.

Sleet & Omega use their hands to signal .. JUST BRING IT !!!!!

Elsewhere ....
The scene picks up with Cyric and Porthos as they talk about how each other came to be in this time...........

Porthos-"Hmmmm quite the interesting tale but tell me did this "time shredder" comeback with you?"


Porthos-"Most wonderful news!!!!Where is it?Does it still work?...If so can it get us out of here?"

Cyric-"It is near...........

Cyric begins to back away as he regards Porthos and the others...

Cyric-"Something is not right here."

Porthos-"Not right?...I'll tell you what's not right you stupid mortal........

Porthos and the rest of the "people" begin to twist and distort till their flesh rips from their bodies and only pure forms of energy remain.

Cyric-"What the?!!!!!!!!!

Cyric begins to back up as the energy beings move about and surround him.

Prothos-"Here's the deal mortal set us free of this hell and we'll let you live...even better we'll give you a whole planet to yourself."

Cyric-"What are you things?"

Porthos-"What we are is not as important as what we do.Last chance set us lose in a time period populated with wonderful human souls to destroy or we'll just make do with you."

Cyric-"Well then you'd best not waste me then."

Porthos-"BWHAHAHAHA very well then a most noble sacrifice."

The energy beings begin to move in on Cyric,who just stands there with a stoic face,till a voice yells from behind them

"Well if all you want is to go to a time with humans in it then by all means I'll send you there."


The camera moves behind the group to show Cyric placing the ring in the time shedder.

Porthos-"Two of you?Interesting but no matter...you will lose us?

Cyric(dark)-"Yes I will and all you have to do is leave him to me."

Cyric points to his twin and as he does so he points the time shedder and let a blast off that forms a portal.

Cyric-"No!!!! You can't do this!!!!!!!!!"

Cyric(dark)-Ahh but I already have and to you all I'd get going if i were you."

With a cruel laugh and the cries of freedom most of the energy beings step through the portal till only Porthos remains.

Cyric(dark)-"Wait!! I must know something before you go."


Cyric(dark)-"Are you really this stupid or are you having a off day?"

The portal closes in a flash and just as quickly Cyric raises his hand and porthos is encases in a shimmering globe of force.

Porthos-"What...What is going on here?What did you do to my brothers and sisters?"

Cyric(dark)-"Why I sent further ahead in time."

Porthos-"How far ahead?!!"

Cyric-"Oh I"d say five or so minutes before the destruction of the earth."


Cyric(dark)-"Oh well...now on to more important matters."

Cyric-"Come now why look at me so?You of all people should be glad to see me."

Cyric(light)-"I of all people will never be glad to see you.I know why you have come.

Cyric(dark)-"Good for you...I'm going to assume your not going to just let this happen?"

Cyric(light)-You assume right.Are we to fight here?"


Cyric lets lose another blast from the time shedder to form another portal...once done he removes the ring from the device.

Cyric(dark)-"It's time for this to end once and for all."

With that said Cyric walks through the portal leaving his twin and Porthos behind.

Porthos-"Release me at once!!!!!!!!"

Cyric(light)-"No Porthos you shall remain here alone for all time."

Once said Cyric walks through the portal and once through it closes leaving the being known as Porthos trapped in time.



No DQ Tag Title Match
No time limit


* * * The Bell Rings * * *

The future heels are fast and full of tricks, again Sleet is the center for attention, they try to pick him apart first but once Omega is tagged in he clears house.

Omega is iin full control doing everything double, Double Chokes Slams, Double Corner Splashes and such, he plays with the clowns from the future.

Sleet is back in and he does well this time, Plague & Hex from 2400AD are starting to crap out, more finishers by Sleet and then Omega is back in.

While Omega again has control we see the side kicks to Hex & Plague from the 24th century .... the Plaguettes !
Two females dressed like clowns and full of howkey tricks and weapons like sneeze dust and flash bombs. Omega is nearly pinned a few times thanks to the Plaguettes cheating.

But once Sleet isback in he uses his ice powers and levels the Plaguettes then Omega does in Plague while he tried to break the Sleet on Hex pin for 1, 2, ,3 !

* * * The Bell Rings * * *

Mikee B - " ...And your winners via pin fall ..... "


Mikee B - " and still SXW World Tag Team Champions ..... "


Mikee B - " They are SLEET & DEFENDER-OMEGA !!!!!!!!!! "
8:22 minutes

After the final match, Plague & Hex each take one Plaguette as they jump onto their hover boards and fly out of the Super Dome and avoid capture as Logan Eagle teleports in, not quick enough to capture them.

While the Tag Team Champions are still i nthe ring, Richard Head comes out to announces the SXW Womens Contest winner !

Richard - " And the 3rd runner up is ..... ahhhh christ ! "

Fans are laughing and chanting We Want Head while the Tag Champions yuk it up in the ring.

Richard - " And the 2nd runner up is ..... "

who is escorted out by Raging Bull

Richard Head - " And the 1st runner up is ..... "

Trix is out next with Loci & Lugg escorting her.

Richard Head - " And finally the women to get the most fan votes with 27600 is ..... "

Jennifer Hill walks out with Over Fiend.

In the ring Jennifer Hill takes off her top but the cruel Over Fiend covers her up just enough to not let fans see what they wanted to see!


The ring clears out a bit as The Tag Team Champions & Logan Eagle notice SOD has slipped away, they get Raging Bull and all four exit the arena, heading to the scrap yard where others wait for them, the time to strike Legion & Monarch is now !

Legion and Monarch work to set the time destoyer for 1903, to take out the Fitzgeralds before they open SXW by taking out their anchestor Isaac Fitzgerald. This will complete The Monarch's goal as he calculated and the time period he experianced will never have happened. But the Monarch is cleaver, he is manipulating the other villains including Legion into thinking this is all about global conquest, but only a personal mission he has waited 99 years to finaly realize for the last time.

Heroes have sprung into the year 2100, but in their path stand some farmilair faces, foes of present, allied with Legion & Monarch, like a hug Texas Tornado match the battle starts.

Dark Wind vs. Kamikaze
Plague24th vs. Sleet
Hex24th vs. Aeon
Harvey vs. Raging Bull
Phoenix vs. Shain Nelles
Loci vs. Omega
Lugg vs. Brimstone
April Knight vs. Ahala

Else where at the same time, Cyric Dark travels to the past ... where he finds his alternate Self, Cyric of the light, they lock up in battle, with the Ring of Time in the middle, which leads to leaps in time, as they fight through time in final combat.


Battle Through Time

Cyric & Cyric battle as they blink into the past, during World War II right in the middle of a huge fire fight. After they exchange a few fist shots they teleport out right as a explosion hits where they where stnading.

During the battle the time destoryed is slowly working into target, one side effect while in power up stage is opening the gates of time, confined within the secornardy chamber which is where all the heroes and villains collide ... the effects a time loop battle, popping through time or having some life forms from alternate time periods, but all these effects blink back to where they started within 60 seconds.

In the midsts of these battles ... Kamikaze & Dark Wind sword fight and then time warp to the 1800's, on an ancheint mountian where their first kin clashed with light & darkness, in this melee one brother will not walk away ... Kamikaze is the only one to return from the past blink and back nto the chamber.

Sleet is battling Plague from the 24th centruy, when they suddenly blink on board of the lead Dominion cruiser ship in outspace just around earths orbit. Sleet maximizes his ice powers as he blasts to hit Plgue but also causes massive hull damage to the frigate ... As Sleet nails one last shot that slams Plague through a panel and sucked by the vaccum of space out of the ship. Sleet then teleports out just as the huge ship buckles and implodes.

Hex from the 24 century is battling Aeon and they blink into the 24th century, this is yet another battle where only one returns as Aeon is back in 2001.

Ben Harvey takes on Raging Bull, both a bit freaked out by the time blinking going on around them as they pummel and then suddenly out of nowhere 2 roman chariots appear and skid out once they realize they are not in their time, they crash into Havrey & Bull, the wreck is massive, but out reaches a hand, then wood moves and is pushed aside as one man walks away from the crash .... Raging Bull !

Shain Nelles and his brother Phoenix lock it up one last time when they also fall prey to a blink appearing in the chamber, it is none other then Eidolon !!! Once in our time from his which was 2023, he sees Phoenix & Nelles and fires a huge energy blast at both of them just before he blinks back out of 2001. The burnt to a crisp corpse of .. Phoenix falls dead to the ground as he used himself to sheild his brother Shain, who survives with 2nd degree burns.

Loci & Omega battle until they both lock up and blink out, the appear in 2099, right in the middle of a Bounty Hunter tracking party ... they recognize both with huge prices on their heads in 2099, they attack, now Loci & Omega for the next 60 seconds fight with each other against the futuristic hunters until they blink back to 2001 in the chamber, both down and out from concussive blasts they took just before blinking out.

Lugg & Brimstone have the in chamber experiance as they pummel and take it all then Beast the Crusher soon after Eidolon blinked into 2001, so does Crusher from 2000, in an instant he help Brimstone in leveling Lugg, leaving him KO'd on the chamber floor as Brimstone shakes Crushers hand as he blinks out.

Ahala & April Knight battle, classic with these two ladies, but unknown to Ahala a blink happens that will change her life ... suddenly she stops destroying April Knight and falls down dead, a dagger in her back and Bane Lee the one to throw it, he laughs as he blinks out.


Battle Through Time

Meanwhile Cyric & Cyric battle as they blink right in the middle of the Civil War, soldiers see them and trip out as they fight each other, once they take aim on the Cyric(s) they blink out and the soldiers are left in shock for a few moments as the battle continues.

Kamikaze, Sleet, Aeon, Raging Bull, Shain Nelles, Brimstone left standing as they move to exit the chamber and get at The Monarch and Legion, Loci & Omega are still down and April Knight is standing back, suddenly Legion turns to the heroes, he leaps out of the control room and down the stairs before the chamber, he then lifts a lever on the wall next to him and then the walls of the chamber all raise to reveal storage untis with Legion Shock Troopers waiting in the wings, out numbering the heroes 5 to 1.

The six fight against the odds, and over come them, even as April Knight sides up with Legion, the Legion Shock Troopers are all put down and their weapons in the wrong hands, aimed against Legion and the Time Destroyer. A force field is then erected and the rifles do nothing, Legion makes his retreat while April Knight surrenders, Loci is shackled and Omega to his feet.


Battle Through Time

Meanwhile Cyric & Cyric battle as they blink into an English King & Queens castle during the 1700's, the knights take arms as Cyric & Cyric fight and break stuff then blink out as if never there.

The Monarch is near his lifes goal as he only waits for the Time Destroyer to activate the final stage of firing. He as most super villains reveals just a bit to much, about the force field only allowing him to exit & enter ... thus Frost enters the chamber.

Frost - " You mean me ! "

Frost has recovered some since was drained, but can walk still, he marches right into the control room and shuts down the machine just before it fired. The Monarch in his chair helpless as he is pushed around by his past self and then the force field goes down, the SXW super stars enter the control room to officially secure it and say they won this one.


Battle Through Time

Meanwhile Cyric & Cyric battle as they blink into an old XWF match, appearing right in the ring during a classic match.


Triple Threat/Last Man Standing Title Match
No time limit





Both Cyric's appear back in the past less then one year ago when they faced off for the OWC title and with Ghost Eagle tossed into the mix, as of right now the 2 Cyric's to walk out are the ones who have been fighting through time ......

Cheryl - " The following match for a triple threat, last man standing title match and will be fore the SXW One World Championship title belt with no time limit ! "

At this point, there is no referee in the ring.

' Bodies ' by Danzig, begins to play and the fans scream when the lights die ....
... Then the image appears on the X-Tremetron video screen.

... a few seconds pass, when the image fades and the lights return to reveal Cyric standing in the ring.

Cheryl - " Now in the ring, from places best left unknown ... he is ... CYRIC !!!!! "

Cheryl - " and his opponent ..... "

A clap of thunder leads to the opening notes of " Desert Rose ".A loud Indian war-cry is heard, as Ghost Eagle emerges from behind the curtain.

He walks down to the ring in a proud, solemn way, pausing only to shake an Indian rattle in his left hand. Then a skreech echo's the arena as Aeetos appears ......

Ghost Eagle slides into the ring, where he throws a powder onto the ring floor, it explodes, and when the smoke clears, Ghost Eagle stands there, wearing only soft, brown leather pants, moccasins, and war-paint. Aeetos soars up to the rafters and has his seat all too himself.

Cheryl - " Now in the ring, he is the warrior incarnate ....GHOST EAGLE !!!!! "

Cheryl - " ... and their opponent .... "

' Bodies ' by Danzig, begins to play and the fans scream when the lights die ....
... Then the image appears on the X-Tremetron video screen.

... a few seconds pass, when the image fades and the lights return to reveal Cyric is walking to the ring.

Cheryl - " Now in the ring, from places best left unknown ... he is ... CYRIC !!!!! "

As all three standing in the ring, with GE in the middle, folks wonder if there will even be a referee when suddenly, in a referee's shirt and to the clanking of tin cans and a mambo beat out walks a man which people have not seen the likes of for quite some time ... the image that pops into their minds is this one ...

Lucas - " What the .... "
Lucas sits frozen from that point on, with his jaw opened wide, he cannot believe his own eyes, as 'JOE' is coming to the ring and ready to referee the main event.

Styles - " Who is that guy ?! "
Tely - " That I believe is Joe, aka Crazy Noodle Boy, but which one he is right now, I do not know, looks pretty sane if you ask me ! "
Styles - " So is he the mystery own3r ?! "

Lucas is still speechless

referee - - JOE

* * * The Bell Rings * * *

Both Cyric's give an evil stare to Joe, who steps back to the ropes, then Ghost Eagle takes two Side Fist Shots from the Cyric's, who want to tear into each other again. Cyric hits Cyric with a nasty Upper Cut and then a Power Slam. Ghost Eagle springs into the fray with a Missile Drop-kick and both Cyric's are down. But just that soon, they both stand back up and look at Ghost Eagle !

For some reason Joe exits the ring, while GE feels a double Inferno's Snare- Sidewalk Slam (Rock Bottom) and is then stomped. Meanwhile Joe is throwing five steel chairs into the ring.

Styles - " That's not very professional is it ?! "

Cyric sees a chair, the one in darker clothes, he grabs it and hits the other Cyric with it, on the top of the head. Then dark Cyric goes after Ghost Eagle, who ducks and spins into a Leg Sweep and then up right into the other Cyric with a boot and a 3/4 Front Face Bulldog . Joe climbs back into the ring and officiates.

Ghost Eagle is having to dodge chair shots, until one he is backed into a corner and dark Cyric is about to nails the mother of all chair shots ..... Aeetos soars into action, whizzing by Cyric at the speed of sound and knocking the chair right out of his hands and out of the ring. Dark Cyric is taken by surprise and nailed by Ghost Eagle with a Bulldog Lariat .

The other Cyric is up, he grabs chair and knocks GE in the back of the head with it and he's on his knees. but luckily for him, bot h Cyric's soon are locked into a chair fight, each blocking or taking a weak shot from the other Cyric.

Ghost Eagle is up and flat out handed a chair by Joe. Ghost Eagle nails one Cyric in the back, then the other one hits Ghost Eagle in the forehead with a chair, knocking him out.

Styles - " Ghost Eagle is out, Ghost Eagle is out ! "

Finally the lighter colored Cyric nails the dark Cyric with five chair shots, and then a final chair shot off the top ropes, that breaks and splits over dark Cyric's head, like nothing ever seen before as the chair seat busted and a hole around Cyric's noggin ! That's it dark Cyric is also knocked out.

As Cyric turns to look at Joe, he is not calling a winner ... a few seconds pass and then he points behind light Cyric .... at a now standing and conscious Ghost Eagle. Light Cyric goes after Ghost Eagle right away, beating him into the turn buckles by his head. Then the other Cyric is getting back up, conscious as well and Joe lets the match continue.

Joe then exits the ring again while they three fight into a pummel over who gets the chair. Joe starts to throw 2x4's into the ring.

Styles - " Not very professional at all ! "

Joe then grabs a tin of lighter fluid from a table and sprays it all over the end of a 2x4 he's holding, then he lights it up and has a flaming 2x4 and to complete the image, Joe reaches over and pulls up a hold, over his face and it now the infamous referee ninja looking person who got Over Fiend on Fury !

Cyric and Cyric and Ghost Eagle lose the chair and it slips out of the ring, then when Joe steps back into the ring he sizes up one Cyric and whacks him over the head with the flaming 2x4, then as the other Cyric turns to him, Ghost Eagle grabs a 2x4 and breaks it over his head, both Cyric's fall.

Joe now dances around the ring, doing the CNB dance he once made famous as that persona.

Tely - " Folks, is that Crazy Noodle Boy, did he finally lose his senses and go back to the CNB we all know and love ?! "

Ghost Eagle stares at this most interesting man for a few moments, but both Cyric's are still conscious. Cyric and Cyric stand up, both go after CNB, but he dives out of the ring to avoid them. Ghost Eagle then lifts up one Cyric into a Tomahawk-Opponent in side headlock.Ghost Eagle runs to a corner with opponent, jumps up, plants his feet, and lands a Super Swinging DDT and drives him to the mat. GE stands up and is instantly in a fist fight with the other Cyric.

Crazy Noodle Boy keeps his hood on and grabs a steel chair, tossing it into the ring, but Ghost Eagle is cut off from getting it by dark Cyric, who takes the chair, then swings at Ghost Eagle taking him down with it. Ghost Eagle is on his hands and knees when Dark Cyric starts to brutally bash into his twin with the chair.

ark Cyric clobbers light Cyric 10 times in a row, then one final Upper Cut with the chair rim and it's lights out for good Cyric, flat on his back with Dark Cyric standing over him, but for only a moment as he then turns to Ghost Eagle.

Ghost Eagle is able to dodge several chair shots, even Joe, aka CNB is cheering him on, wanting Cyric to lose this match, but Cyric again backs Ghost Eagle into a corner, it's over ..... until ..... SKREEEEEEEE ..... Aeetos flies over head and with a steel chair in his beak, he drops it and GE catches it, just in time to block Cyric's chair shot.

After a quick chair melee, Ghost Eagle drops his weapon and scores a snap Suplex into a Powerslam(Jackhammer) on dark Cyric and planting him skull first onto the chair. Ghost Eagle is not done yet, as Cyric still moves, he starts to stand, then Ghost Eagle goes to his corner, pulling out his mystical pouch .. reaches in and out of a small sized bag, pulls a 3 foot long mace handle, with a chain and a huge metal ball on the end of it.

Styles - " How did he pull that mace outtah that small pouch ?! "
Tely - " I think we have both seen stranger things tonight ! "

GE sizes up Cyric and does what is needed to be done, bashing him in the back of the skull with the horseman's mace, Cyric is dropped to the ring face first, quickly CNB slides over to both Cyric, doing the arm raising and both are dropping.

After three drops on each Cyric's arm, Joe makes the main event call .......

* * * The Bell Rings * * *

Cheryl - " .... and your winner by been ... the LAST MAN STANDING !!!!!!! "


Cheryl - " ... and your first ever Myphis era ONE WORLD CHAMPION ....... "


Cheryl - " ..... he is ... .the MIGHTY ........ GHOST EAGLE !!!!!!!!!!!!! "
( 12:03 minutes )

After the match ends, fans are on their feets, cheering as Ghost Eagle's theme plays, then Joe walks over and raises his arm after slapping the SXW One World title in his hands, fans cheer again then suddenly .... the confetti chutes open and instead drop out .... pounds and pounds of COLE SLAW, the stuff gets all over the arena and fans, as CNB & Ghost Eagle stand and laugh together.

Both Cyric take up to fighting each other again, when the Ring of Time one Cyric Light becomes active again and thust them one last time, but to where ?!
..... the in ring celebration continues as Aeetos flies to his masters shoulder ! "

After some time and things straighten out, April, Loci & Monarch all shackled, while Omega quickly takes apart the Time Destroyer. Frost is beyond help as he will need medical help for the rest of his life but he seems to not want to become The Monarch, speaking of whom, he has a self destruction device in his hover chair. He laughs as it counts down to 10, 9, 8 ... April is screaming to be released & Loci is demanding to be let go as they are joined to Monarch ... 7, 6, 5 .....

Kamikaze releases the prisoneers as Logan Eagle opens a portal and the team dash through it ...4, 3, 2, 1 ...........

The group with hostages still in 2100, just outside of the Monarch's complex as explosions can be seen coming from the center chamber, The Monarch is toast and maybe Legion too ?!?!

The group return to a town nearby that are celebrating the Monarch's defeat as word of his demise is spreading fast around his Head Quarters, the tyrant is gone. After the group from 2001 party down, they must return to their own time, taking their prisoneers with them, however .. Frost remains behind, to help rebuild what his alternate self caused, also Logan Eagle must return to 2001, the capture of Hex & Plague from time is his next mission, he opens the portal back ...one by one the group enter, pushing the prisoneers through as well, Logan Eagle still in 2100 waves good bye to the future as he makes the leap back to find the 24th century criminals.

n the other side, in the Scrap Yard, the portal has it's exit, one by one as the group returned, 2 large men bashed the back of their heads in, knocking them all out, like domino's, one by one all in line, perfectly set up for a back stab.

As Logan Eagle the last to exit, a third man leaps on him from behind with a SXW title belt and starts bashing his skull in, falling to the mat with him and continues to bash his skull until his head caves in and Logan Eagle is dead.

The man stands up, the lights start to turn up.

Mystery 0wn3r- " I always said I would get you all and now I have ! "CNB, Over Fiend & Gamma ! "

The two larger men are revealed, as they stand just in front of the SXW mystery own3r ... those 2 men are Gamma & Over Fiend !

Fiend - " Right where I said they would be aye Boss ! "

Crazy 0wn3r - " And easy as pie, pumpkin by, just scoop it out and make it right ! "

Gamma & Fiend begin to drag the knocked out SXW super stars out of the ring while the mystery 0wn3r crouches down over the now dead Logan Eagle and strokes his hair like a puppy or small child ... saying ...

Crazy Noodle Boy - " From here on out, every thing is gonna be ALLLLLLLLL right !!!!!!! "

As CNB with his two thugs Over Fiend & Gamma, imprison the super stars of SXW and implant them with mind control chips, so they will obey his commands as they fight his fathers company WVW in the cross federtaion battle !

While back in the ring, a new time portal opens, a huge figure walks out and stands over the corpse of Logan Eagle.

Cyric(s) - " Well, well .... good to be back in 2001 and finally in ONE PIECE ! "

Cyric(s) - " And with a new toy ! "

Cyric(s) holds up his hand to reveal he wears the Guantlet of Orion !!!!!!

TO BE CONTINUED ...... ??????????