results 02/03/2001
Friday Night Fury
filmed live at the S.X.W. " Super Dome " located on X-Treme Island !
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click here to see part 1 of FRIDAY NIGHT FURY
Noh Cheating & Over Fiend vs.
Cyric(dark) & Short Round
Standard Tag Team Match
Should be funny though
Aeon vs. Defender
Hard-core Title Match
ICE vs. Planeswalker
Standard Match
Nature's Fury vs. The Titans vs. Trinity vs.
Sisters from Hell vs. Raging Bull/Whitesnake
Texas Tornado/Elimination Title Match
Over the top rope, both teammates
Dark Wind vs. Mystery Opponent
Triple Stack/Cage Title Match
Title on top cage. must get it and then stand in the ring with it
Ghost Eagle vs. Piranha
Standard Match

Tely - " We are back and half way through this Fury on Friday, next we have a crazy tag team match with two of the meanest guys in SXW and then Over Fiend & Cyric too ! "

Lucas - " At least we will get a good laugh out of this match ! "

CYRIC(dark) &

Standard Tag Team Match
15 minute time limit

Cheryl - " The following match is the standard for all SXW tag team matches and will have a 15 minute time limit ! "
referee - - Ernie Chang' Piece by Piece ' by Slayer begins to play as Over Fiend makes his way to the ring, making sure to swear at every fan, even stops to start with some punk in the crowd, reaches in after him, but the runt is to chicken to really fight.

Over Fiend slowly walks into the ring and is sure to soak in all the boos. Over Fiend has a thin silver chin that lingers into the back, he yanks on the chain and out walk Dawn, Amber, and Caroline ...

... The Triad, his pets !

Cheryl - " Now making his way to the ring, weighing in at 350 pounds, he is the master of the Walls of Pain .....
....... THE OVER FIEND !!!!!!!"

Cheryl - " ...and his partner .... "

'Barbie Girl' booms out through the arena and boos come from the crowd, down to the ring comes No Cheating holding up a place card saying just that. " NOH CHEATING ! "

Cheryl - " Now making his way to the ring, standing at 3'4" (giggles) ... and hailing from China, he is ... NOH CHEATING !!!! "

Cheryl - " ...and their opponents .... "

' Bodies ' by Danzig, begins to play and the fans scream when the lights die ....
... Then the image appears on the X-Tremetron video screen.

... a few seconds pass, when the image fades and the lights return to reveal Cyric standing in the ring.

Cheryl - " Now in the ring, from places best left unknown ... he is ... CYRIC !!!!! "

Cyric does not wait for his tag partner, he simply starts beating on Over Fiend and kicks Noh Cheating out of the ring.

* * * The Bell Rings * * *

Cyric pummels Over Fiend and then lifts him into a Shoulder Breaker and then stomps on him until Over Fiend rolls out of the ring. Once outside, Fiend grabs his tag partner Noh Cheating and midget tosses him back into the ring, right to Cyric and into a Powerbomb .

Cyric is stomping on Noh Cheating when ....

' My Name is ... Short Round ' starts to kick a beat and as the lyrics begin to roll out walks Short Round, fans pop as he raps his way to the ring.

Short Round - " We gonnah kick this shiznit old school, with that rapping weed smoking fool, that's the shorty of this fed, and he ain't right in the head, but that's just me messing ...... SHORT ROUND !!!!! "

Over Fiend cuts of Short Round as he runs to the ring and midget tosses him in and right at Cyric, but he bounces off the giant and now Cyric stomps on both Noh & Shorty.

Styles - " What the heck, this is going nowhere ! "

Over Fiend gets into the ring and nails Cyric with a Overhead Release Belly to Back Waistelock (German) Suplex, this allows Noh Cheating & Short Round to both get up and out of the ring.

Cyric is up and he locks with Fiend. After a stand still lock up Cyric twists into a Belly to Back Suplex and then a second Belly to Back Suplex and pins Over Fiend, but only gets two.

Cyric then nails Fiend with a Chokeslam and locks him into a Cross Arm Breaker, but then while in his corner, Short Round makes a blind tag, the referee has Cyric exit while Shorty is kicking Over Fiend in the head, but has little effect. Over Fiend stands right up and lifts the little guy into a Pump Handle Slam and then a Death Valley Driver and cover.

Cyric is in and breaks up the cover. Over Fiend tags in Noh Cheating, who lifts Short Round into a Flying Arm Scissors and then hits him with a melee of Palm Thrust Flurry, but Short Round sneaks in a Low Blow and then a Spinning Heel Kick to the Knee and cover. but Over Fiend breaks that up.

After both short men are on their feet, Noh Cheating is scoring everything from a Heart Punch to a Stop That- Jackknife Powerbomb, this finds Short Round into his corner, where Cyric makes the blind tag. Noh Cheating wants a piece of Cyric bad, his mistake.

Cyric holds Noh by his head and laughs as Noh Cheating is trying to punch him but is missing by nearly a foot.

Cyric finally tires of this game and slams poor Noh Cheating with his Damnation- Belly to Belly(Tombstone) Piledriver Off Middle Turnbuckle, then Cyric runs over and knocks Over Fiend off the ring apron with a Elbow Smash, then runs back to Short Round, reaching over the ropes and with one hand, legally blind tags in Short Round, by lifting him up and tossing him across half the ring and on top of Noh Cheating for the cover and three count so his team could and did win the match.

* * * The Bell Rings * * *

Cheryl - " ... and your winners via pinfall ..... "


Cheryl - " .... they are ..... CYRIC & SHORT ROUND !!!!!!!!! "
( 7:40 minutes )

S.X.W. ' Turmoil Expansion '
210 different cards to power up your favorite S.X.W. wrestlers, as you and your friends go head to head in the S.X.W. card game, you can play singles matches to battle royal's, for ages 8 and up. Plus gold foil cards are randomly inserted into individual packs.

Tely - " Well the last match was not so much funny as a slaughter on Cyric's part, nothing unusual and we here on X-Treme island have passed the midnight hour on this late Fury "

Lucas - " Well, next is the hard-core warrior against the captain America of SXW, I rather think Nickel is like the Red Skull and Aeon is his weapon of destruction, much like .... well ..... oh ... the match is starting ... "


Hard-core Title Match
20 minute time limit

SXW Hard-core Championship Title Belt

Cheryl - " The following match is a no holds barred, free for all, any thing goes and pinfalls count anywhere, SXW hard-core Championship title belt match which will have a 20 minute time limit ! "
referee - - Larry Segal

Real American hits the sound system and fans roar as ..... Red, white, and blue pyros go off along the entrance ramp and Defender walks out carrying an American flag. When he gets in the ring more pyros explode from the ring posts as he salutes the crowd.

Cheryl - " Now standing in the ring, he is THE REAL AMERICAN ....... DEFENDER !!!!! "

Cheryl - " ..... and his opponent .... he is the current SXW Hard-core Champion and nearly undefeated .... "

The lights go out. Small burst's of flame shoot up in two rows along the rampway. Aeon can be seen coming out through the gloom. He raises his arms and the flames shoot to around head height. The lights return and Aeon ....
.... with Nickel ....
.... calmly walk to the ring.

Cheryl - " Now making his way to the ring, lead by Jack Nickel, he is ..... AEON !!!!!! "

* * * The Bell Rings * * *

Aeon has entered the ring with a chair, he goes right after Defender with it, but a boot knocks it back into Aeon's head, then Defender rip the chair from his hands and plants him on the back of the skull with it ! Meanwhile Jack Nickel sits at the announcers table.

Nickel - " ... Son of ..... "
Lucas - " We won't bother asking how things are going ... "

Defender toss the chair out of the ring and whips Aeon in the U. S. Agony- Torture Rack, after several seconds Aeon is dropped. Defender the picks Aeon up and Knife Hand Chops him into the corner, then whipping into turn buckles with Irish Whips, finally Aeon was dealt a Flying Forearm Smash and covered, but Aeon kicked out at two.

Aeon is lifted back up and in mid air reverses a Suplex and nails a Driving DDT, totally reversing the momentum. Aeon then rolls out of the ring and grabs a chair. Aeon is slow to get in the ring and Defender is a sitting duck for a few chair shots across he back, then Aeon places the chair on it's legs.

Nickel - " Now this is where Defender or whatever his name is will feel the fall of his faith before he launches his new front ! "

Aeon plants Defender face first on the seat of the chair with a Super Bulldog and then rolls him over for the pin, but somehow Defender kicks out just before three.

Aeon sends Defender off the ropes and back for a Pump Handle Slam, but Defender drops out, pushes Aeon off the ropes and out of the ring with a Back Drop. As Aeon quickly gets to his feet, Defender if off the rope, leaps onto the top ropes and flying out of the ring, nailing Aeon outside the ring with his American Eagle- Top Rope Senton Bomb.

Defender & Aeon both down and slow raise in a fist melee, they walk and pummel along the entrance ramp and to the back, Aeon and Defender fist fight into the back area for staff only, they ram each other into walls and tables, but nothing breaking. Then once Defender gets the upper hand he has to stop in mid Running 3/4 Face Lock Bulldog , to dodge a Led Pipe shot from Over Fiend......

..... Defender stands up and cross arm blocks the pipe from hitting his face, then uses his strength to over power Over Fiend then boot him in the belly and drop him with the Running 3/4 Face Lock Bulldog .

Once Defender is back to his feet, Aeon is there and they lock right back up in to a fist and walking melee. They continue down the hallway and Aeon tosses Defender through a huge window into an office.

Lucas - " Those windows ain't cheap ! "
Nickel - " This is make you money .... you cannot put a price on the beating Aeon is giving to the American loser ... Defender ! "

Aeon is in the office and sets Defender across a table, then leaps off another table with his Ravages of Time- Leg Drop, but Defender rolls off the table and Aeon bounces leg first off the table, both men are down again.

Defender is up and tries a Gorilla Press Slam but Aeon springs to life and jumps with it and out. Defender and Aeon again lock into a fist fight and back out of the office and down another hallway.

Aeon finally tries a Clothesline, Defender ducks, back up slamming the champ with a Suplex into a Powerslam(Jackhammer) and cover, but as the referee counts, suddenly a huge boot stomps down on Defender, breaking his cover, then once Defender stands saying ..

Defender - " ... OVER FIEND ... I' M ....G ... "

And then he actually has to look up at the man responsible ....

... Defender is then snatched into a powerful Jackknife Powerbomb slamming him back first onto the floor, then Fixit grabs Aeon and drags him over to cover Defender ... Mr. Fixit demands the referee starts counting .... and Aeon retains his title with a quick three count.

Nickel - " Well thank you Lucas, the at was a nice surprise having Mr. Fixit step in like that ! "
Lucas - " Yeah .... ahhh ... that was the plan ..... "

Cheryl - " ..... and your winner via pinfall .... "


Cheryl - " ..... and still SXW Hard-core Champion ...... "


Cheryl - " ... He is ...... AEON !!!!!!!!!!! "
( 11:20 minutes )

After Aeon is declared the winner, Fixit then lifts up Defender and again gives him a Jackknife Powerbomb, but this time through a table, the Defender lay in a mass of broken wood as Mr. Fixit simply walks away after this brutal assault.

Tely - " Well that was a mighty clash of titans, several to be precise ... next we have another two super heavy weights locking it up ! "

Styles - " All four would make great competition in the Super Heavy Weight title division !!! "


Standard Match
15 minute time limit

Cheryl - " The following match is the standard for all SXW non title matches and has a 15 minute time limit ! "
referee - - Ernie Chang

An hourglass appears on the Xtreme-a-tron, and it slowly fades out, only to be replaced by the word Planeswalker, spelled out in sand."Temple of Time" plays, as the Planeswalker slowly makes his way to the ring, his head lowered, and covered by a hood.He walks up the steps, and raises his hands, and a bolt of lightning strikes the ring post in front of him, and as the puff of smoke disappears, Planeswalker gets into the ring, removes his hood ...
and coldly stares at his opponent.

Cheryl - " Now in the ring, he is the unknown entity known as.....THE PLANESWALKER !!!!!!! "

Cheryl - " ... and his opponent .... "

The lights dim as a ICE blue laser pans through the audience the the laser appears at the entrance way where ICE makes his way out..........

Cheryl - " Now making his way to the ring, weighing in at 360 lb and from the Jersey Shores....... He is ICE !!!!!! "

* * * The Bell Rings * * *

The Planeswalker is right on ICE, but ICE dodges his every attack and then lands a DDT. The Planeswalker is fast to his feet and takes a Turning Heel Kick in the jaw, knocking him back down and into a pin.

The Planeswalker kicks out just before three and is lifted right into a 3/4 Neck Breaker and then ICE goes for a Leg Drop from the Top Rope, but The Planeswalker rolls out of the way.

The Planeswalker lifts ICE right up into a Belly to Back Brainbuster Suplex and a cover, but ICE breaks before three. The Planeswalker gives him a few stomps and then tries to lift ICE into a Press Slam Gut Buster, but ICE flips over and on his feet, scoring a Reverse Fireman's Carry into a Cradle .

Planeswalker gets out of the Cradle and then stands up and walks right into a Suplex into a Powerslam(Jackhammer) and cover.

The Planeswalker manages ti kick out and ICE has had enough, hooking the arms and nailing his ICE Driver- Underhook Face Driver , pop Planeswalker on his face and then rolled over into a final pin as ICE got the three count and win.

* * * The Bell Rings * * *

Cheryl - " .... and your winner via pinfall ...... "


Cheryl - " ...... he is ........... ICE !!!!!!!! "
( 7:09 minutes )

Styles - " Folks ICE is on the move up and next we will see who will be our first ever Myphis era World Tag Team Champions .... Stay tuned !"

Now you can bring home the excitement of SXW first 2001 PPV X-Treme event. Last Man Standing, see the return of Crazy Noodle Boy, the mystery of the duplicate Cyric's, the crowning of the first Myphis era SXW One World Champion ... Ghost Eagle ... and much, much more ......


Texas Tornado/Elimination Tag Team Title Match
25 minute time limit

SXW World Tag Team Championship Title Belts

Cheryl - " The following match is a 5 team, top rope full team elimination title match for the SXW World Tag Team Championship title belts and will have a 30 minute time limit !
referee - - Larry Segal

Glass is heard shatter, and the Sisters of Hell come out. They stand on the ramp for a while, then move down the ramp and into the ring. Angel stands behind the two

as Despair flexes her arms while Carnage back flips and folds her huge wings into her shoulder blades.

Then, Angel flies out of the ring and to her teams corner.

Cheryl - " Now standing in the ring, at a combined weight of 450 pounds, they are the only two demons ever banished from hell. The SISTERS OF HELL!!!! "

Cheryl - " ... and their opponents .... "

The lights go out in the arena and two people walk down the ramp.
Frost & Sleet
The both raise their ands in the air and the rings catches on fire and The Trinity is in the middle in the ring.
Behind them is Lita and Trish.

Cheryl - " .... and their opponents .... "

' Powerful Horns & Thundering Drums' begins to play as ....
Green Death & Crimson Scourge
....enter the arena and have April Knight on their shoulders. The Titans set her down and she walks behind her goliaths as they charge into the ring.

Cheryl - " Now making their way to the ring, with their manager April Knight, they are the thunder & the lightning ..THE TITANS !!!!! "

Cheryl - " ..... and their opponents ...... "

As Living In Chaos hits the arena the lights go out and the pyro's start flashing.
Glacier & Jackal
walk to the ring, lead by Joli Breeze

Cheryl - " Making their way to the ring now, weighing in at a combined weight of 629 lbs, they are being accompanied by Joli Breeze, NATURE'S FURY!!!!!!! "

Cheryl - " ... and finally the team of ..... "

A lone wolf starts howling, before the first few bars of "Stairway to Heaven" scream through the speakers.The fans are on their feet, booing their heads off, as Whitesnake jumps from the scaffolding high above the arena, and lands hard in front of the Xtreme-a-tron, slightly bending the metal.

He walks to the ring, a look of evil on his face, pausing every couple of feet to stare down a fan, finally, he enters the ring, where he lifts his head back, and lets out a howl that makes the hair on the back of everyone's neck stands up.He removes his long leather trench coat, and prepares for battle. The as if in secret, Zeebo is seen sitting at ring side after bouncing over the crowd barrier.

Cheryl - " Now in the ring, from places unknown, he is .... WHITESNAKE !!!!!!! "

Two horns appear on the X-Tremetron

and a Bull's snuff can be heard. His music starts and he is lowered from the Titan Tron with Christina in his arms.

Cheryl - " Now making their way to the ring, she is Christina and he is none other then the legendary horned Goliath ... RAGING BULL !!!!!!!!! "

Before the match even starts, the referee tells all ring extra's to go back stage, nobody not in the match at ring side, even Zeebo, who you see dart back into the crowd after walking away with the rest of them, then as they retire .....

Priest & Angelica Storm enter and demand to Lucas Myphis they be included in this tag team match ... Lucas's agrees.

' Silence ' by Delirium begins to play.
Cheryl - " ... Now in the ring .. .they are ..... DIVINE RIGHT !!!!! "

* * * The Bell Rings * * *

Right away The Glacier, The Titans, Bull & Whitesnake unlock in a peer six brawl, The Trinity double team The Jackal with a Side Russian Leg Sweep/Clothesline then set him up for the Shoulder Mount Suplex/Off the Top Rope DDT , meanwhile Divine Right is unlocked with Sisters from Hell.

The Glacier knocks Green Death into The Jackal & Trinity all hog pile in a corner. Whitesnake & Raging Bull both flip Crimson Scourge up over the top rope and out.


Priest takes a Flap Jack from Despair and a 3/4 Nelson Bulldog from Carnage(3D), then The Glacier scoops Priest out of the ring.


The Glacier is then nailed several times with kicks & punches from Sister from Hell as the fly circles around him. Whitesnake & Raging Bull then each grab a sister and Scoop Slam them out of the ring.

Team Eliminated

The Trinity have worked over The Jackal and flip him out of the ring with their Lift to a Super Rana .


The Glacier is tackles by Whitesnake & Raging Bull into the corner and is nearly lifted out of the ring. Green Death then tries to flip all three out, now they all four fall out and Green Death & Raging Bull are eliminated legally, the rest manage to slip back in without touching the floor.

Two Teams Eliminated

Whitesnake is then slammed with a Side Russian Leg Sweep/Clothesline and Glacier takes the time to nail Angelica Storm in mid Rana with a Press Slam out of the ring and to the floor.

Team Eliminated

This leaves Whitesnake, The Glacier & The Trinity. The Glacier swoops up both Sleet & Frost into the corner and he almost both out, when Whitesnake attacks him from behind with a Nerve Strike, then a Heart Kick and a Heart Punch , but The Glacier avoids a near lethal Throat Strike, but falls back into a Trinity Double Leg Lift and Drop on top of the top rope and then follow by pushing him fully over and out to the floor.

Team Eliminated

Whitesnake is viscous as he nails Sleet with a Reverse Side Russian Leg Sweep and then Frost with a Flying Somersault Neck Breaker , Whitesnake then roars to the crowd and suddenly ....Fury Swipes- Lights in the arena disappear, when they return, a heavily breathing Whitesnake stands over a totally knocked Trinity.

Lucas - " Good god ... did he kill them ?! "

Whitesnake roars to the fans and then lifts Sleet up by his shirt, holding him up high as if to rip out his heart, his hand now bares sharp claws, but then ... Zeebo darts into the ring, he Drop Kicks Whitesnake in the nuts and Whitesnake drops Sleet. Zeebo then completely subdues Whitesnake with a Nerve Pinch to the neck.

Fans cannot figure out what is going on, Whitesnake started to loose it, almost a bloodlust .... Once Whitesnake is to his feet, Zeebo releases the hold and exits the ring, telling Whitesnake to exit also, to give up the match and he does, stepping out of the ring and costing himself the match.

Frost & Sleet look up while both down in the ring, almost in disbelief.

Team Eliminated

* * * The Bell Rings * * *

Cheryl - " ... And your winners, both still in the ring ..... and new SXW WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS ....... "


Cheryl - " .... They are ..... SLEET & FROST ...... THE TRINITY !!!!!!!! "
( 20:01 minutes )

Styles - " Well, looks like the unlikely duo of Frost & Sleet our the SXW World Tag Team Champions .... "

Lucas - " ... Talk about underdogs, well I do not know about you, but as a guy who is going to make EOD pay for this outrageously booked Fury, I am wanting to see who this mystery opponent is .... "

Tely - " I bet for some odd reason, the champion title defender gets introduced first .... "


Triple Stack Cage Title Match
20 minute time limit

SXW Darkness Championship Title Belt

Cheryl - " ... The following match is a special Triple Stack Cage match, where the win must obtain the title from the third cell up top and then climb his way back down and into the ring with the strap in hand, thus the title holder and winner, this match will have a 30 minute time limit. "
Referee - - Ernie Chang

Cheryl - " ...He is the current SXW Darkness Champion ..... "

The ring is suddenly plunged into total darkness, even though the arena lights are still on. The darkness breaks up and dissolves like a cloud of smoke, revealing Dark Wind standing in the center of the ring !

Cheryl - " Now making his way to the ring, standing at 5'11" and weighing in at 207 pounds, he is ... DARK WIND !!!!!!!! "

Cheryl - ' ... and his opponent ... ( looks at the paper, then a double take at the paper, before saying ... ) Ahhh, and his opponent .... the President and chairmen of SXW .... LUCAS MYPHIS !!!!!!!! "

Dark Wind gets a mildly shocked looks on his face, Lucas on the other hand looks like he has not shit in weeks. Then slowly stands up with a microphone, speaking to Dark Wind who stands in the ring, under a stack of cages.

Lucas - " There has been some mistake ... "

Dark Wind shakes his head, no that will not do for an excuse !

Lucas - " OK, so you wanna play that way DW ..... FIXIT .. get out .. her...r..e.. ~! "

Before the microphone even hits the floor, Dark Wind has teleported Lucas Myphis into the ring.

* * * The Bell Rings * * *

Dark Wind rails Lucas with a fury of kicks and then a Leg Scissors Takedown, totally putting Lucas out. Dark Wind then teleports himself to the top cage. He grabs the title belt hanging from the top of the third cage.

Styles - " Damn, that was quick ! "

As Dark Wind is on the third cage he then sees Mr. Fixit running to the ring.

.... Mr. Fixit is extremely fast for a man his size and he leaps u onto the first cage, incredibly he lands almost fully on the top of it and easily climbs to the second cage and start scaling up, the whole while, the stack of cages is rocking back and forth, Dark Wind is tossed about and falls on the cage dropping the title and loosing his concentration.

Mr. Fixit is up on the top of cage two, he reaches at and bends the bars on the third steel cage. Dark Wind is amazed, but leaps at Fixit with a Missile Drop Kick, but Fixit is barely fazed, he continues to bend the bars.

Dark Wind runs over and grabs his Darkness title, then he runs at Mr. Fixit who has just broken through the steel bars and rushing towards Dark Wind, who rails his Fist of Evil- Dark chi strike to opponent's chest, causes knockout and temporary paralysis, but they collide, the impact is power over charge as the impact point erupts in energy waves, both men fly in opposite directions, the title belt flies out of the cage, through the hole.

Lucas Myphis runs out of the ring like a coward when the energy sparks start dripping downwards towards the ring.

Lucas then opens the cage door and walks out, looking up at the down Mr. Fixit & Dark Wind up top in cage three.

Fans are booing like crazy, the announcers are speechless, Lucas Myphis then looks over and sees the Darkness title belt, he grabs it and then walks back into the bottom cage, then is very cocky as he struts into the ring, winning the match.

* * * The Bell Rings * * *

Cheryl - " ..... And your winner via match stipulations .... "


Cheryl - " .....and new SXW Darkness Champion ..... "


Cheryl - " ..... LUCAS MYPHIS !!!!!!!!!! "
( 8:02 minutes )

After the match, Lucas theme is playing, he is loving every minute of it, fans toss trash, but the cages block is all and Lucas rubs it in, hold the Darkness title up high and around his waist. Then Mr. Fixit begins to stir, his chest is still smoking, his shirt has a huge burn hole in it. But he stands up quicker then expected and literally leaps out of the cages, from the top one, the top of the second cage, then drops down to the floor.

Lucas Myphis walks out of the ring and doesn;t even say anything to Mr. Fixit, they both then walk to the back, Lucas is pelted with trash balls and cups of soda, he starts to run backstage, Mr. Fixit does not.

Back in the top cage, Dark Wind starts to come around, he looks angry even under his mask and then teleports out of the arena in the blink of an eye.

Tely - " Oh great, now Lucas is going to rub this in on Turmoil .. when he's back to announcing, I think he will not be here for the main event ! "

Styles - " After a quick break folks, we'll be back without main event, and with all that has happened and everything else out of the way, I hope to see a good clean match up ! "

'Zombie Mask'

Description - Now you to can be undead, walk through graveyards, create minion's out of wrestling rejects and then go insane all day long !

Tely - " Well folks, tonight we have seen it all including Lucas Myphis as Darkness Champion ... figures .... "

Styles - " This will be a great match as the current SXW Submissionist champion will battle the awesome SXW One World Champion ..... "





Standard Title Match
no time limit

SXW One World Championship Title Belt

Cheryl - " The following match is a standard rules match, but is for the most treasured title in the business, that being the SXW ... ONE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP TITLE BELT ............ this match will start when both men are in the ring and have equal ground, this match will have no time limit ! "
referee - - Larry Segal

Cheryl - " ... Introducing first, the challenger ... he is the current SXW Submissionist Champion ..... "

The lights in the arena suddenly flick off and the runway starts to light up with blue roman candles . Pillars of blue flame announce his entrance as the Jaws theme begins to grow louder and louder ...
... and he walks slowly towards the ring along with Bambi ...
When he climbs in, Piranha sinks to his knees and does a kind of praying ritual .

Cheryl - " Now in the ring .... he is ..... THE PIRANHA !!!!!!! "

Cheryl - " ... and his opponent ...... he is the reigning, undisputed SXW ONE WORLD CHAMPION ............... "

A clap of thunder leads to the opening notes of " Desert Rose ".A loud Indian war-cry is heard, as Ghost Eagle emerges from behind the curtain.

He walks down to the ring in a proud, solemn way, pausing only to shake an Indian rattle in his left hand. Then a screech echo's the arena as Aeetos appears ......

Ghost Eagle slides into the ring, where he throws a powder onto the ring floor, it explodes, and when the smoke clears, Ghost Eagle stands there, wearing only soft, brown leather pants, moccasins, and war-paint. Aeetos soars up to the rafters and has his seat all too himself.

Cheryl - " Now in the ring, he is the warrior incarnate ....GHOST EAGLE !!!!! "

* * * The Bell Rings * * *

Ghost Eagle and The Piranha lock up and each has to push away, then a switch in Headlocks and Knee Lifts, both slam the other across into turn buckles and then Ghost Eagle scores a Bulldog Lariat and cover, but Piranha kicks out quickly.

Ghost Eagle quickly nails a Pump Handle Powerslam and then rolls Piranha into his War Cry- Dragon Sleeper, but Piranha does not panic like most and he soon raises into a Reverse Bridge and then a 3/4 Front Face Bulldog , after both are down for a bit, Piranha makes a cover.

Ghost Eagle gets his shoulder up just before three. Both men raise in a fist fight and then Piranha scores a Spinning Roundhouse Kick , Ghost Eagle is off the ropes with a series of Knife Edge Chops and then wrestles Piranha into a Cobra Clutch Bulldog and cover.

Piranha then kicks out just as a three is almost slapped, but the referee has to clear it up with the fans who boo the close call. Ghost Eagle lets Piranha get up and they exchange some weak fist shots, then Ghost Eagle scores his Rain Dance-Hammerlock with Neck Submission, but Piranha again does not panic, he soon drags himself to the ropes, Ghost Eagle breaks clean.

Both back up and Piranha sneaks in a Side Russian Leg Sweep , then Ghost Eagle stands up and walks right into a Cradle Suplex Through the Legs .

Styles - " This one is over folks, new champ, new champ ! "

Ghost Eagle breaks the cradle just before another three count. Both men up again and Ghost Eagle over powers Piranha in a lock up to score his Suplex into a Powerslam(Jackhammer) and then pins Piranha.

Tely - " This should do it folks ..... "

Piranha kicks out again just before three, referee has to clear it up with the fans. Again both men up, clearly tired. Ghost Eagle works Piranha into his Great Spirits-Underhook Piledriver, but The Deadly Piranha whips out and to his feet, then off the ropes with a Cross Body Splash, but Ghost Eagle dodges and referee Larry Segal gets hit by it and knocked out.

Piranha and Ghost Eagle continue as if the referee was not out, they lock up and Piranha scores a Bloody Water- Inverted Facelock Front Suplex and then a Tropical Plunge- Belly to Belly Pump Handle Brainbuster Suplex and covers Ghost Eagle.

No referee, then suddenly .... NOH CHEATING BURSTS IN TO LEGALLY MAKE THE COUNT .....

..... but Ghost Eagle kicks out just before a three count. Piranha is clearly upset, he lifts Ghost Eagle into an Irish Whip, which leads to a back and forth rope bouncing duel, with a Cross Body Splash from Ghost Eagle this time and now Piranha dodges and it's Noh Cheating who gets hit by it and knocked down and out !

Fans are going crazy, the action is hot, both men slowly stand up and Piranha Leg Flips Ghost Eagle over and into his Standing Figure Four Leg Lock and has the submission hold on tight.

Ghost Eagle is near tapping when suddenly ..... Bambi get into the ring and kicks Piranha right in the nuts !

...... Bambi has betrayed Piranha and he grabs his nuts and drops to his knees. Bambi then exits the ring and starts to wake up referee Larry Segal, Ghost Eagle has no clue what Bambi did to Piranha to make him release his hold, but once he guts up, Piranha is up also, he tries a Spear, but Ghost Eagle catches him in mid move and finally scores his Great Spirits-Underhook Piledriver, then pins Piranha just as Larry Segal is back in full effect.

Styles - " This could do it folks ..... "

Ghost Eagle is shocked when Piranha kicks out, Bambi is furies, and Noh Cheating is now up too, this match continues with two referee's. Bambi leaves the ring and Piranha looks pissed as he watches her leave. Ghost Eagle does not sneak attack. The two lock up once again and then after a few seconds a fist melee breaks out, with Ghost Eagle scoring his Tomahawk-Opponent in side headlock.Ghost Eagle runs to a corner with opponent, jumps up, plants his feet, and lands a Super Swinging DDT and final cover on Piranha which wins his the match and his SXW One World retaining !

Cheryl - " ..... and your winner via pinfall ...... "


Cheryl - " .... and still SXW One World Champion ...... "


Cheryl - " ...... he is ...... GHOST EAGLE !!!!!!!!!! "
( 16:05 minutes )

Ghost Eagle stands up, Aeetos swoops down and brings him his title belt, Piranha is already getting back up and slides out of the ring. Ghost Eagle is not very proud of the problem that accord during this match, the colored confetti drops all around the arena and fans cheer as .. the scene ...

....... was then cut off and the camera went to Cheryl Hunter for the 'Now the Stage is Set' report .......

DRI have casualties again as Plague gets his tongue ripped out, Hardkore Kid & Wildthing beat each other bloody and Lucas Myphis himself is thrust into combat ..... kinda !
Now that Lucas Myphis is the SXW Darkness Champion, what does that mean for the rest of SXW, Dark Wind has lost his high ranking ally as well as his valued title.
Fire's face is revealed to the world by Crusher, Raven carves another victim, EOD find some new gold as Bonk finally goes X-Treme !
Lugg loses out, Cyric and Cyric each face quite different odds, Aeon gets a big help with Defender to retain his hard-core gold and Bambi turns on Piranha ... now, could she have gotten that card into Lucas's files and booked ..... is she both mystery women ?!
.....Join us Next week for TUESDAY NIGHT TURMOIL !!!!!!! "
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Exclusive Footage

In the hospital scene where the mighty Brimstone lay in recovery, the sun has set on another day, his body is numb from head to toe, he cannot feel anything, his eyes open for the first time since his injuries.

Brimstone looks to his left, still unable to see the star light that gleams through the curtains in his room, his eye drops a single tear as he comes to realize his dire fate and the end of his former life.