results 02/02/2001
Friday Night Fury
filmed live at the S.X.W. " Super Dome " located on X-Treme Island !
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Plague vs. Crazy Noodle Boy
Strap Match
The Red Raven vs. Theo Blitz
Standard Match
Beast, the Crusher vs. Fire
Hard-core Match
Chris le Sponduluex vs. Silver Banshee
Standard Match
Lugg vs. Cyric(light) vs. Billy K. Bonk
Triple Threat/Elimination Title Match
Pinfall or Submission Elimination
Frost vs. Ruff Ryder
Standard Match
Hardkore Kid vs. Wildthing
Hard-core Title Match
Noh Cheating & Over Fiend vs.
Cyric(dark) & Short Round
Standard Tag Team Match
Should be funny though
Aeon vs. Defender
Hard-core Title Match
ICE vs. Planeswalker
Standard Match
Nature's Fury vs. The Titans vs. Trinity vs.
Sisters from Hell vs. Raging Bull/Whitesnake
Texas Tornado/Elimination Title Match
Over the top rope, both teammates
Dark Wind vs. Mystery Opponent
Triple Stack/Cage Title Match
Title on top cage. must get it and then stand in the ring with it
Ghost Eagle vs. Piranha
Standard Match

............... ...............





In the shadows of the SXW main office building stand a man and a women, they embrace in a hugs and a long kiss, then speak quietly before parting ways.

Man - " OK, here it is .... "

The man hands the women a form, it appears to be the booking forms used by SXW staff to book cards.

Woman - " I will put this in Lucas's office right away, you're sure nothing on here is going to get me in trouble ... if he ever found out .... well, you know how he is ! "

Man - " Yeah, all to well .... don't worry babe, I got you covered, and if Lucas figures out anything, he'll have to go through me before he can do any harm to you ! "

Another long kiss and the couple part ways, the women walks into the building, she has a key, the man walks out of the shadows and to his car, still riddled with bits of paint from some vandals a few weeks ago .... he is the One and only .... Billy K. Bonk


Again, a man in a women in the shadows, speak of tonight and their plans, but to do what and to whom .....

Man - " Then you're all set to do it tonight, to make him pay ... in a manor of speaking ! "

Women - " This is what it all comes down to, what you hired me to do, when SXW first start back up again, I will not fail you now, especially since you have paid my so well, to put up with him all this time ! "

Man - " And again, you will earn your pay ..... the final 10,000, as agreed, after this, I may hire your services again, but fail me and you will deal with Aeon ... and he will not fail me ! "

Women - " Look, I;ve made it this far, I am gonna finish what we started, then are working arrangements are over, I have a job already, and I plan to keep it, this was just to much money to turn down, but I almost started having feelings for him, for real, I won't let that stop me know ! "

The man hands the women a healthy stack of bills and she slips it into her jacket, they part ways, the women walks off into the arena side entrance, the man of course is Jack Nickel and he walks out of the shadows, smiling as he walks to his limo.

Styles - " Hello folks and welcome to another furious Friday night on X-Treme island, and boy what a card we have for you, packed with action and title matches, including the first ever Myphis era World Tag Team Title match, with five high card teams, all looking for gold ! "

Tely - " Yeah, Lucas I am surprised you'd book this card, who does it say is Dark Wind's mystery opponent for tonight anywise ! "

Lucas - " Actually it doesn't say, and I am not so sure I booked this one, seems somebody made some changes, allot of changes ... this is all wrong, I booked Aeon against Fire, and I totally didn't book this tag team title match, and what the heck is this Over Fiend & Noh Cheating vs. Cyric & Short Round crap all about, is this some kinda joke ! "

Tely - " Doesn't look like one to me, and according to this Crazy Noodle Boy is going against your boy Plague in our first match ! "

Lucas - " WTF, Crazy Noodle Boy, I told security to ban that loony from the island, how did he get signed, what the hell is going on here ! "

Tely - " As I recall, as your only true ally Dark Wind said, he does not protect against non super natural prowlers and EOD is far from super natural .... maybe this goes back to when they busted into your office, yeah think ?! "


Strap Match
15 minute time limit

Cheryl - " The following match is an exclusive SXW non title four corner, strap match and will have a 15 minute time limit ! "
referee - - Luke Cage, match announcer - - Cheryl Hunter

' Noodle Brain ' by the Queers crackles through the arena sound system and fans roar knowing, hoping that Crazy Noodle Boy will pop out, from somewhere.

Cheryl - " Now making his way to the ring, he is the insane and lovable ...... CRAZY NOODLE BOY !!!!!! "

Cheryl - " ... and his opponent ..... "

A car is heard crashing, and the fans start to boo."Suicide" starts playing, green and orange pyro's go off in the entrance way.
Plague jumps off the Xtreme-a-tron, does a perfect 360, and lands on his feet.

He walks to the ring, grabs the ring ropes, and flips up into the ring.

Cheryl - " Now in the ring, he was denied afterlife in heaven so he is making earth hell, the infected, the crazed
... he is ... PLAGUE !!!!!!!!!! "

The referee has to chase CNB around the ring in order to get the leather strap around his wrist, but once he does, he starts to calm down, Plague is staring at the strange man, almost ironic !

* * * The Bell Rings * * *

Right away Plague pulls Crazy Noodle Boy towards him and into a Flying Head Scissors , then both lock up and CNB is whipped into a Dragon Suplex, while he is down, Plague begins to drag him to turn buckle one and touches the top, the he starts towards buckle number 2, but CNB grabs hold of the first corner, forcing Plague to back it up.

Plague is nailed with a Double Arm DDT and then into a Spinning Neck Breaker , now Crazy Noodle Boy starts to drag Plague around the buckles, touching two in a row, before Plague is up and scoring a Reverse Side Russian Leg Sweep , then he goes up high for a Splash(Shooting Star Press) , and now he starts the turn buckle tour again.

Plague is at his third buckle in a row, when Crazy Noodle Boy pulls him back by the strap and into a Belly to Belly Suplex , then a Tilt-a-Whirl Head Scissors Take Down (rana) , Crazy Noodle Boy then lets out some slack on the leather strap and begins whipping Plague with it, 10 times.

Plague is up and lifted into a Standing Neck Breaker, then CNB tries the turn buckles tour again, making it to the third and touching it, but Plague is up on the route to buckle four and fists fights with CNB, but then Crazy uses his Snake Pull- Modified mandible claw, tries to rip out the tongue.

Plague is gagging and then finally, CNB actually rips his tongue right out. ( It's OK, Plague will grow a new one, in a week. )

Lucas - " Ohhhh crap, See I knew this would be a bad idea, I would never let Crazy into SXW, let alone a match with Plague, the PTC will be all over me again ! "

Crazy Noodle Boy touches the forth buckle, now all he needs to do is pin or get Plague to submit, meanwhile Plague is grabbing his throat and trying to scream, but only spits out chunks and black blood.

Crazy Noodle Boy uses the strap again and pulls Plague into a Sidewalk Slam and then goes up top for a Frog Splash and cover, to get three and win his first match back in SXW.

* * * The Bell Rings * * *

Cheryl - " ... and your winner via four corner contact and pinfall ..... "


Cheryl - " ... he is ...... CRAZY NOODLE BOY !!!!!!!!!! "
( 6:49 minutes )

Lucas - " Well that bit, no pun intended there Plague ! "

Styles - " As staff clean up the blood and find Plague's tongue, our next match could be interesting, it seems Raven is going a bit crazy himself ! "

Tely - " You mean psycho ! "


Standard Match
15 minute time limit

Cheryl - " The following match is for one fall and is the standard for all SXW non title matches and will have a 15 minute time limit ! "
referee - - Ernie Chang

Theo Blitz comes down from the rafters on a harness, while Bianca wearing leather pants and a see through top .... ... comes down the ramp.They get in the ring and Theo gives Bianca a kiss, he then takes off the 'Destroyer of Perfection' shirt !

Cheryl - " Now in the ring, he is the Destroyer of perfection .... .THEO BLITZ !!!!! "

Cheryl - " ... and his opponent ..... "

Cheryl - " Ladies and gentlemen...about to come down the aisle, he is from Perth, Australia...THE RED RAVEN !!!! "

The Red Raven enters right when his theme starts, and will out walking to fast, TRR is in the ring in mere seconds.

* * * The Bell Rings * * *

After a lock up, Raven whips Blitz into a Headlock and then a Even Flow DDT, but Blitz doesn't stay down for long, but TRR is all over him and Theo feels the pain of a Tilt-a-Whirl Back Breaker and covered, but Theo Blitz kicks out at two.

The Red Raven then takes a Low Blow, not seen by the referee and Theo scoops him up into a Belly to Back Cradle Suplex, but Raven breaks out of the Cradle before three.

The Red Raven is up and walks into a Powerslam and then lifted into a Fallaway Slam (Samoan Drop) , but TRR slips out, to his feet and deals a Spinning Heel Kick to the back of Theo's head. Blitz bounces off the ropes and right into a Snap Suplex , then TRR goes up high and lands The Raven Bomb- Top Rope Headbutt and covers Blitz.

Almost at three when Bianca puts Theo's leg on the bottom rope, then clues in the referee. Raven say this out of the corner of his eye and right away he exits the ring, stalking Bianca. Theo Blitz is up and sees this going on, so he dares to try a Somersault Body Attack(Rolling Senton) and both he and Raven hit the floor.

Both men down and first up is Raven, he rolls Blitz back into the ring and dead center for The Red Cross- Reverse Texas Cloverleaf/Sleeper, Blitz is not tapping out, until a minute later, when he passes out, three arm drops and the referee gives this one to TRR.

* * * The Bell Rings * * *

Cheryl - " ... and your winner via knock out and technical submission ...... "


Cheryl - " ...... he is ...... THE RED RAVEN !!!!!!!!!!! "
( 7:50 minutes )

After the match, Raven pulls out his carving knife.

Lucas - " Crap, this show is going to hell in a hand bag ! "

The Red Raven cuts open Blitz's shirt and starts to carve the now infamous into his chest. Bianca is on the ring apron, but Raven scares her off with a simple threat, then Raven stands after the injury is inflicted, idle for a moment and then he makes a gesture ( much like Kane for his turn buckle pyro's ) and gallons of crimson goo drop from the ceiling and all over the down and out Theo Blitz, its a Blood Bath and Raven laughs.

As Raven is enjoying ever minute of this, fans start to pop huge, it's the SXW Cruiser Weight Champion,
The Jackal ..... and his tag partner ... The Glacier The Red Raven is out numbered and exits the ring as they both slide in, he then walks back stage, all three exchange insults and hand gestures.

Hyaline LIGHT

Description - Raging Bull's personal icon shaped to perfection in Hyaline light tubes with dry ice for flaming nostrils!

Tely - " Folks back from break ... and I am sorry if you saw our first two matches, very gory, a tongue ripping and a blood bath, this is not how we do things here in SXW ! "

Styles - " What are you talking about, it's why most people watch the show ! "

Lucas & Tely - " Shut up Styles ! "

Lucas - " OK, so next should be Banshee vs. Rage, but here it says ... huh, Crusher vs. Fire, well I guess that ain't all bad, if this was EOD, they are going to have hell to pay ! "


Hard-core Match
15 minute time limit

Cheryl - " The following match a hard-core, no hold barred and no rules match with a 15 minute time limit ! "
referee - - Luke Cage

' Burning Down Da House' plays and a ring of fire appears around the SXW ring, the lights are out as ...
Fire and Redd
... can be seen strutting to the ring.
Once the music is finished Red brings down her right arm slowly and the fire immediately goes out.!!! "

Cheryl - " Now making their way to the ring, from hell and back, they are .... Redd and ... FIRE !!!!!! "

Cheryl - " ... and his opponent .... "

' More Human Than Human ' blares over the speakers as flames erupt around the entrance and down the ramp. Beast thunders towards the ring, growling and gnashing his teeth. Climbing to the apron, he begins to howl and shake the ring ropes violently.

Cheryl - " Now making his way to the ring, he weighs in at 480 pounds ..... he is .......

* * * The Bell Rings * * *

Crusher leaves his painted chair outside the ring, he and Fire lock up, the two giants have a power struggle, but Beast is the more powerful, he flips Fire into a Powerslam and then a mighty Press Slam Back Breaker .

Fire is back to his feet quickly and starts to fist fight with Crusher, both land powerful haymakers, then Fire switches up with a Flying Clothesline and then scoops Beast, the Crusher into a Vertical Body Press, but it's weak as Crusher is to heavy to be fully lifted.

Fire stomps on Beast and then locks him into a Half Nelson Choke Hold, but Crusher is amazing, he soon stands right up and then Back Drops Fire over him. Fire then falls victim to a Double Leg Tackle Takedown(Spear) and then a Mounted 10 Punch Combo.

Beast, the Crusher then lifts Fire into a Suplex into a Powerslam(Jackhammer) and fans pop huge as he nails it perfect on the giant Fire. Crusher then backs up, knowing Fire is not down for good, waiting and then nailing his Running Bell Clap, Fire shrieks in pain as his ear drums pop.

Beast, the Crusher goes to his corner to grab his painted chair, but Redd is there and she holds on to it, but he is far to strong for her and pulls it away from her. but Fire is up, he nails a Heel Kick and then a After Life- Sidewalk Slam to Crusher, knocking the chair out of his hands.

Fire then picks up Bash&Smash, sizing up Crusher, who sees it coming and scores a boot first to the belly of Fire, then rips his paint chair from Fire's hands and cracks him over the top of the skull with it, twice !

Fire falls straight back and gets his leg hooked by Beast, the Crusher, who earns his three count and the win.

* * * The Bell Rings * * *

Cheryl - " ... and your winner via pinfall ....... "


Cheryl - " ... he is ...... THE HARD-CORE LEGEND ...... BEAST, THE CRUSHER !!!!!! "
( 8:08 minutes )

After the match, maybe curious, Beast, the Crusher begins to remove Fire's mask.

Styles - " I bet Beast wonders if this is really Cyric or not !? "

Beast is successful in removing the mask and Fire springs to his feet, trying to cover his face, but to late, everybody sees the real him ....

Styles - " Nope, that ain't Cyric ! "

Fire flees the ring, as quick as he can, Redd covers his face with he jacket and they quickly exit the arena, meanwhile fans and Beast cheer and he holds up, the painted chair in victory !

Tely - " Now we see what going to hell in a hand bag looks like, and I say ... no thankz ! "

Lucas - " Well, all I know is this next match, Chris versus Banshee is again, not one I would have booked, I had hoped le Sponduluex would join my stable, not have to fight on of them ! "

Styles - " Silver Banshee is very impressive, and that sonic power of hers is lethal, only one man has stood up to it and he just left the ring ! "


Standard Match
15 minute time limit

Cheryl - " The following match is for one fall and is the standard for all SXW non title matches and will have a 15 minute time limit ! "
referee - - Ernie Chang

Now picking himself up, drunk, off the ground backstage and about to make his way to the ring... From Montreal,Canada... weighing 235lbs... Chris LeSponduluex!

Cheryl - " Now making his way to the ring, hailing from Montreal, Canada, he is the master of many holds ...

Cheryl - " ... and his opponent .... "

' Temptation Wait' begins as Silver Banshee ....

Cheryl - " Now making her way to the ring, from the Dirty Rotten Imbeciles, she is ...
.... SILVER BANSHEE !!! ! "

Banshee slides into the ring, but feels a kick to the head from Chris LeSponduluex as she does.

* * * The Bell Rings * * *

He then puts in a few more kicks before picking her up and flinging here into the far turnbuckle. He charges at her and jumps at the last moment to give a move very similar to the Ho Train. From there, he bites on the top of her head and Piledrives her into the center of the ring.

Referee : ŒOne¹

Referee : ŒTw¹

Chris LeSponduluex deliberately picks Banshee¹s shoulders up and then lifts her up, after uttering the words ŒLets dish out some punishment¹. He gives her a back breaker followed by a kneebreaker and then a knee stretch. Chris LeSponduluex then throws Banshee out of the ring and follows her out. He slings her into the crowd barriers and gives her the Super Kick and a Belly to Belly Suplex on the matting. He then gets into the ring, while the referee starts the ten count.

Referee : ŒOne¹

Referee : ŒTwo¹

Referee : ŒThree¹

Referee : ŒFour¹

Referee : ŒFive¹

Referee : ŒSix¹

Banshee starts getting up.

Referee : ŒSeven¹

Referee : ŒEight¹

Banshee rolls into the ring but feels another kick to the head. Followed by a Ankle Lock Achilles Tendon Hold. Banshee screams in
pain, while Chris LeSponduluex smiles with satisfaction. Banshee gets to the ropes but Chris LeSponduluex refuses to let go. It takes the count of four from the ref before he reluctantly lets go.

Chris LeSponduluex shouts at the ref, before turning round and hurling Banshee out of the ring. He leaps out of the ring, on top of Banshee. As the ref starts the count, Chris LeSponduluex pulls up the matting and delivers a Piledriver onto the hard concrete. He then goes into the ring, to break the count, before leaving it again, with an elbow to Banshee¹s head. He then hurls Banshee into the ring, before bringing her legs
around the ringpost.

Chris chuckles with glee and gives Banshee the painful Figure Four Leg Lock around Ring Post. He must release before he is counted out though. So he jumps into the ring and leaves to put the hold back on Banshee, he repeats this three time, until Banshee looks as if she can no longer walk. Chris LeSponduluex is now back in the ring, he lifts Banshee up and gives her the Tilt-a-Whirl Head Scissors Takedown (Hurricanrana). He pins her

Referee : ŒOne¹

Referee : ŒTwo¹

Referee : ŒThree¹

* * * The Bell Rings * * *

Cheryl - " ... and your winner via pinfall ...... "


Cheryl - " .... he is ..... CHRIS LE SPONDULUEX !!!!!!!! "
( 6:34 minutes )

Styles - " Ouch, looks like DRI is 0-2 for the night so far, hope Aeon can hold onto his hard-core title, now that Omega ... I mean Defender is not pulling any punches ! "

Lucas - " Arggg, right now I am more concerned about this next match, Lugg, Cyric and Bonk, all three are utter wastes of time and space, but as long as Lugg holds his title, the two more unworthy will not hold gold on my watch ! "

LUGG vs. CYRIC(light) vs.

Triple Threat/Elimination Title Match
20 minute time limit

SXW X-Treme Island Championship Title

Cheryl - " The following match a triple threat, pinfall or submission, elimination title match, for the SXW X-Treme Island Championship title belt and will have a 20 minute time limit ! "
referee - - Larry Segal

'Get Ready For The Launch' plays as Billy K. Bonk comes out from backstage as his image highlights the X-tremetron video screen.

The crowd stand and cheer as Billy looks out at the crowd. They go berserk.Billy starts bopping on stage then walks down the ramp, waving to the emphatic crowd. He slides into the ring and stands in the middle of the mat. His arms by his sides, he stands there, still.
Then suddenly the lights go out and BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! Blue pyros shoot out from the turnbuckle as Billy points to them

Cheryl - " Now making his way to the ring, prepare for Sexual Velocity with ... BILLY K. BONK !!!!!!!! "

Cheryl - " ... and his opponents ..... "

' Bodies ' by Danzig, begins to play and the fans scream when the lights die ....
... Then the image appears on the X-Tremetron video screen.

... a few seconds pass, when the image fades and the lights return to reveal Cyric standing in the ring.

Cheryl - " Now in the ring, from places best left unknown ... he is ... CYRIC !!!!! "

Cheryl - " ... and their opponent .... he is the current .... SXW X-Treme Island Champion ...... "

'Symphony of Destruction' by Mega death begins to play ... as Lugg-Nutt comes out from behind the curtain, and Pyro's explode, once the smoke cloud appears, Lugg-Nutt charges out of it and to the ring .

Cheryl - " Now making his way to the ring, he weighs in at 301 pounds .... he is .... LUGG-NUTT !!!!!! "

* * * The Bell Rings * * *

Right off the much smaller Bonk goes right after Cyric, Lugg follows his lead, soon the two have him off the ropes and hit with a Double Clothesline, then Bonk and Lugg lock up, but Cyric is down for only a few seconds, once to his feet, he slams their skulls together, then lifts Billy K. Bonk up into a Belly to Back Suplex then he goes to Lugg and takes him into a Belly to Belly Suplex .

Cyric picks up Lugg by his head and tries for a Chokeslam, but Lugg-Nutt blasts him in the face with both fists, then whips his legs up for a Head Scissors Take Down and into a Cobra Clutch.

As Lugg-Nutt lifts Cyric into his Lugg-Clutch- Camel Clutch with knee's on opponents spine, Billy K. Bonk gets them both with a Double Leg Tackle Takedown(Spear) and all three are down.

Billy is first up and then Lugg, who takes a weak Pump Handle Slam , then Bonk tries for a Face Driver on Cyric, but he over powers Bonk and slams him with the Inferno's Snare- Sidewalk Slam (Rock Bottom), but then Lugg is back up and takes Cyric into the Nutt-Clutch- Cobra Clutch into a Reverse Russian Leg Sweep, into a Cradle.

Cyric breaks out just before three. Lugg-Nutt lifts him back up and does a second Nutt-Clutch- Cobra Clutch into a Reverse Russian Leg Sweep, sometimes into a Cradle, same time Bonk is standing and he adds the extra pressure to the Cradle and Cyric cannot break out this time, he is eliminated with a three count.


Cyric is stomped out of the ring by both Bonk & Lugg, then once he is out of the ring, they lock up in mortal combat. Both hold their own in a powerful fist and foot melee. Bonk scores a Shoulder Breaker , but Lugg is back up quickly, a few more fist shots from both and then Lugg scores a Reverse Russian Leg Sweep .

Seems like this match is going nowhere fast, then Lugg nails a nasty Bombs Away- Reverse Bulldog, taking out Bonk and the referee, Lugg doesn't notice while he covers Billy K. Bonk, for a good 6 count, but no referee.

Lugg finally gets up to see what happened to the referee and why fans where booing him, but it was not Lugg they booed for, it was Trax .....
... in the ring, with Lugg's Kendo stick and cracks him right across the skull with it.
... Trix was also with him and she wakes up the referee, who shakes off his cobwebs. As Trax & Trix disappear into the fans, Bonk moves over and drops his hand over Lugg, to make a cover.

Lugg gets his shoulder up just before three, fans are going crazy, but Bonk is not finished, he climbs the ropes and sizes up Lugg-Nutt once he stands and is hit with Sexual Velocity- The Stroke, off the top Turnbuckle, then covered again, this time for a full three count and Bonk wins the match & title !

* * * The Bell Rings * * *

Cheryl - " .... and your winner via final pinfall ..... "


Cheryl - " .... and your new SXW X-Treme Island Champion ...... "


Cheryl - " .... he is ..... BILLY K. BONK !!!!!!!!!! "
( 10:11 minutes )

Lucas - " SON of a #%$*!&@ !!!!!!!!!!!!! "


'Trials of Darkness'

Description - Get the first issue of, Cyric 'Trials of Darkness' & mark his return with this comic inked with Cyric's own blood !
32 full color pages ! 500 copies made, all signed & numbered

Tely - " Well, Lucas is off in back, beat on some soda machines, after Bonk won the X-Treme Island title ! "

Styles - " Well, he won't miss much ... nothing will come of this next mid carder match ... never does .... "


Standard Match
15 minute time limit

Cheryl - " The following match is for one fall and is the standard for all SXW non title matches and will have a 15 minute time limit ! "
referee - - Larry Segal

' American Bad Ass ' plays as Ruff Ryder
rides out on a stars and stripes harley with his manager, Jennifer Hill on back.

then lasers and smoke fill the arena

Cheryl - " Now making his way to the ring with Jennifer Hill ...... he is .... RUFF RYDER !!!!!! "

Cheryl - " .... and his opponent ..... "

The lights go out as the music plays over the arena. Blue pyros shoot out of the entrance ramp as Frost drops down to the ring from the ceiling holding a torch. He then eats the flame and blows a blue flame from his mouth to the amused crowd.
... Lita & Trish ...
Soon walk to the ring to accompany him.

Cheryl - " Now in the ring, combining fire & ice, he is ..... FROST !!!!! "

Before the match begins, Ruff Ryder grabs a microphone ....

Ruff - " With your two bimbo's down here, it looks like 2 against three to me, and no telling when Sleet will show up, so how about we make this a tag team match ... you and Sleet ... versus me and anybody in back with the ball sack to be my tag partner .... "

Frost gets handed a microphone.

Frost - " You're on Ryder .... but nobody is going to tag with a smuck like you, so prepare to be utterly destroyed by The Trinity and soon to be SXW World Tag Team Champions ..... "

Ruff Ryder starts to laugh, then Sleet's intro starts.

The theme from Dragon Ball Z begins to play as Blue lasers and pyro's light up the entrance way and once Sleet appears he blows smoke from his mouth.

Cheryl - " Now in the ring, the storm before the blizzard .... he is ..... SLEET !!!!! "

Frost - " So who is it going to be Ryder ...... I don't think you have any friends in back ! "

Ruff - " I don't need a friend, I just need a tag partner ... no matter who it is ..... "

Nothing happens for a few moments ... but then .....

' Hotdog ' by Limp Bizkit cracks the arena PA's as Jackhammer makes his way to the ring.

Cheryl - " Making his way down the ramp now is the 226 lbs monster ..... he is ... .THE JACKHAMMER !!!!! "


Standard Tag Team Match
15 minute time limit

Cheryl - " The following match is for one fall and is the standard for all SXW non title, tag team matches and will have a 15 minute time limit ! "
  referee - - Larry Segal

* * * The Bell Rings * * *

Frost & Ruff Ryder start of course. Both take their time locking up, once it happens Ruff Ryder quickly works Frost into a Cobra Clutch Leg Sweep , Frost is up but back down with a Reverse Crucifix Bulldog, quick cover by Ruff Ryder and only gets a one count before Frost kicks out.

Ruff Ryder tags in The Jackhammer and he hits Frost with a Double Leg Tackle Takedown(Spear) and then a few punches. Frost is back up and nearly nailed with a DDT ( Evenflow ) , but he musters up the strength to Back Drop The Jackhammer and then tags in Sleet.

Sleet is in and all over The Jackhammer, nailing a Handspring Clothesline, then a Thrust Kick ( Super Kick ) , that pushes The Jackhammer into and off the ropes, back for a Twist of Fate Neck Breaker, Sleet covers, but Jackhammer gets his shoulder up just before three.

Jackhammer is taken into the Trinity's corner, Frost is tagged in and they hit Jackhammer with the powerful Side Russian Leg Sweep/Clothesline and then set up for The Tri-Factor- Double handed Chokeslam followed by a Splash from Frost and then a Ice Cold- 360 Leg Drop from the Top Rope from Frost, but Ruff Ryder is in and pulls The Jackhammer out of the way, Sleet hits the mat.

Frost is up and whips Ruff Ryder out of the ring, then he lifts Jackhammer into a Russian Leg Sweep into a Small Package , but The Jackhammer breaks out and is close to his corner, tagging in Ruff Ryder.

Ryder is in and takes it right to Frost, hitting a Inverted Back Breaker and then a The Long Ride- Belly to Belly 90 Degree Overhead Suplex into a shoulder pin.

Sleet is in, but so is Jackhammer, knocking him down with a Bulldog, giving Ruff Ryder just enough time for a full three count cover and his teams to win.

* * * The Bell Rings * * *

Cheryl - " .... and your winners via pinfall ....... "


Cheryl - " .... They are the team of ...... RUFF RYDER & THE JACKHAMMER !!!!!!!!!!!!! "
( 9:44 minutes )

Tely - " Well bite my tongue, but don't pull it out or nothing, something did happen during this match ! "

Styles - " And it looks bad for Trinity going into the big SXW World Tag Team Title match later tonight ! "

Lucas returns to his seat.

Lucas - " Did I miss anything ?! "

Styles & Tely - " Nope ! "

Lucas - " Well next is, lets see here ... Hardkore Kid against ..... ahhh ... Wildthing, what the hell ! "

Tely - " I been announcing that since Turmoil after his win over no win Gubba ! "

Lucas - " Yeah, But I never listen to what you say ..... guess I should start ! "


Hard-core Title Match
15 minute time limit

SXW Light Weight Championship Title Belt

Cheryl - " The following match a hard-core, no hold barred and no DQ or rules match and will be for the SXW Light Weight Championship title belt and will have a 15 minute time limit ! "
referee - - Ernie Chang

Korn blasts the arena speaks as Wildthing ... ... makes his way to the ring !

Cheryl - " Now coming to the ring, from Monterey, California and weighing in at 170 lb ... he is .... WILDTHING !!! "

Cheryl - " .... and his opponent ..... he is the current SXW Light Weight Champion ...... "

' Nookie ' by Limp Bizkit blasts the arena as Hardkore Kid makes his way to the ring and his dozens of fans, are screaming for blood !

Cheryl - " Now making his way to the ring he is ...the crazy, freaky ...HARDKORE KID !!!!! "

* * * The Bell Rings * * *

The two best friends, tag partners and stable mates shake hands, then they grab their trademark weapons :P

HKK with his razor wire, Cookie sheet and Wildthing with a already beaten and dented steel chair. They clash in a battle of metal and strength, both deflect the others shots with ease, then swing and get blocked, back and forth, they know each other very well.

Soon to break it up, Hardkore Kid flies at Wildthing using his cookie sheet as a shield, Wildthing is smothered by steel and barb wire.

Hardkore Kid lifts his bloody friend up and into a Powerbomb onto the bard wire cookie sheet. Wildthing is thriving in pain as he is pinned on the barb wire, but he manages to kick out before three.

Wildthing is totally a mess, his skin is all red in his own blood, then Hardkore Kid takes him into a Reverse DDT, but Wildthing holds his ground, taking HKK into a Back Body Drop , now HKK is the one ripped open by his razor wire cookie sheet.

Both men riddled with their own blood and each others can barely stand, but they do and lock up, Wildthing is the one to score a Belly to Belly Suplex and then tries a cover, but HKK is the man and break out at two and a half.

Wildthing tries his Wildthingedge- 3/4 Face Lock Bulldog(Diamond Cutter version) , but Hardkore Kid knows this move to well, he reverses and scores his Koriner- 3/4 Face Lock Bulldog(Stunner) and covers Wildthing, but again, only two and a half.

Wildthing sits up, but Hardkore Kid is waiting, with the steel chair and blasts Wildthing in the face with it, his nose erupts with blood as he falls back on the mat. Hardkore Kid then grabs his crimson red friend and takes him up the ropes, both fist fight at the top, but still HKK scores his move, the Kore Driver- Super Belly to Belly Piledriver and both are down.

The ring is smeared with their blood, their weapons stained with their blood and both seem to be knocked out, referee cannot make a ten count in a hard-core match, but soon Hardkore Kid lifts up his arm and drops it over Wildthing, and wins by pain fall, I mean pinfall.

* * * The Bell Rings * * *

Cheryl - " ... And your winner via pin fall ...... "


Cheryl - " ... and still SXW Light Weight Champion ........ "


Cheryl - " .... he is .... HARDKORE KID !!!!!!!!!! "
( 10:12 minutes )

Tely - " Now how is that going to effect ratings or tick off the PTC !? "

Lucas - " Not to mention myself, two of my best guys just nearly beat each other to death, the EOD are going to pay for this ..... "

Styles - " .. But not before this commercial break, back in two and two folks ! "

Click here for part 2 of FRIDAY NIGHT FURY

S.X.W. ' Turmoil Expansion '
210 different cards to power up your favorite S.X.W. wrestlers, as you and your friends go head to head in the S.X.W. card game, you can play singles matches to battle royal's, for ages 8 and up. Plus gold foil cards are randomly inserted into individual packs.
Click here for part 2 of FRIDAY NIGHT FURY